

How do you participate in olympic and what is the age limit?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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βˆ™ 14y ago

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You must be 18.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: How do you participate in olympic and what is the age limit?
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What is the age limit to participate in any Olympic?

the lst summer Olympics the age was set at 14

How long has the 16 yr old age limit for Olympics been in effect?

Age limits are set by the Federation that controls each particular sport. Most Federations to not have an age limit. Gymnastics is one sport that does have an age limit and it was set in 1992. It states that an athlete must turn 16 years old by December 31 of the Olympic year to qualify to participate in that year's Olympic Games.

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The age limit is 16 invented by faizaan

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From the age that you are able to understand and participate in meditation. There is no formal age limit in general.

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Argentina did participate in the 2012 Olympic games.

Is there an age limit for the Olympic wrestling?

There is an age limit. Can you see a two or three ye old wrestler? No. But, freestyle wrestling there isn’t an age limit.

Who can participate in Youth Olympic Games?

The age range is between 14 and 18 years old inclusive.

What is the age limit to an Olympic diver?

There isn't. Though it would be rare to find one older than 30.

In the beginning who could participate in the olympic games?

Anyone who qualified for the Olympic standard.

Why are the Olympic Rings special?

it represents every countries that have participate in the Olympic Games