

How do you make a medieval arrow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How do you make a medieval arrow?
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What are arrow slits?

a arrow slit is what you find in medieval building e.g. castles. it helps you attack an enemy with a arrow

When was the bow n arrow made?

the bow and arrow was made in japan around the medieval stages,

What are slits?

a arrow slit is what you find in medieval building e.g. castles. it helps you attack an enemy with a arrow

How old do you have to be to have a bow and arrow?

Eleven, your local medieval store sells them.

What do archers do?

Medieval archers usually shot arrows from a bow and arrow.

What parts the medieval castle defenses?

Murder holes, tall towers, arrow holes, and thick walls.

How did they make weapons in Medieval Times?

They make weapons by the help of the blacksmith......Blacksmith uses iron to make metal and then from metal they make the swords that is a weapon. The other is the arrow They use oak and ash and yew they stick a feather at the end for the balance of the arrow when it's in the air. Well that's the only weapons I know and what they're made of >.< I'm sorry But these are the only ones i know >_< TT n TT

How do you make arrows in runescape?

Using Fletching and depending on the arrow you want to make, you cut some normal logs then use a knife on them to make arrow shafts, you then add feathers to the arrows shafts then the arrow heads of the arrow you want to make to complete them.

Do you make a bow and arrow in minecraft?

you make a bow seprate and the arrow you find when killing a skeleton

What were the arrow loops used for in medieval CASTLES?

so the enimes on the horses can`t shoot arrows throw the window

How many arrow slits did a medieval castle have?

8456 and that was just enough for the emperor tutillian to eat when he was tired of shooting

What was a medieval splayed?

A vertical slit for archers in medieval fortification walls, with jambs deeply splayed toward the interior.Read more: arrow-loop-loophole-1it was like a jousting weapon