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get tape (best tape to use that hangs up the best 2 sided tape) but anyways tape the black part on the back for 2 sided tape or tape it on the front with 1 sided tape (normal tape) and that should work because I did both before

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Q: How do you hang up a Nerf basketball hoop with out the backboard?
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What is a backboard in basketball?

the backboard is behind the basketball hoop

What is the square thing on the back of a basketball hoop called?

It is commonly known as a basketball backboard.

What is basketball rim?

it is the hoop attached to the backboard

What is backboard in basketball?

its the thing behind the hoop

What is the chemistry of a basketball hoop?

The backboard is from plexiglass or glass.

Is the ring placed in the middle of the basketball board?

No, the ring is not placed in the middle of the backboard of a basketball hoop.

What is the difference between a netball hoop and a basketball hoop?

Basketball has a backboard for the ball to bounce off. Netball hoops just have a hoop no backboard. You have to be very acurate. Also in netball the diameter of the rings is 3 inches smaller.

What did they use as a basketball goal and basketball?

I think you mean a basketball hoop. But for a hoop, they use a steel or iron rim with rope netting connected to the rim. The backboard is glass or plastic.

What is the space of a basketball rim to backboard?

6 Inches. The hoop is 18 inches in diameter and it's center is 15 inches from the backboard.

What are the materials and equpments neede in basketball?

basketball basketball hoop extra: basketball hoop net backboard boundary lines uniforms refs chairs drink whistles clock/timer/point keeper

How high are the basketball rings in wheelchair basketball?

The hoops are the same height as a normal basketball hoop is.

How high up is the rectangle on the backboard of a basketball hoop?

It depends but most are 11 feet high.