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I have been gathering information about the 452nd AAA CAC Battalion for the last several months. I don't have much about Battery A in particular. My father, Captain Eugene E. "Gene" Kimzey, commanded one or more of the 452nd's batteries from 1942 through 1945. Although my Dad and other field officers where white, the entirety of the enlisted men's ranks were African-American -- that's a polite way of saying that this battalion was, as were nearly all WWII units, segregated by race. In those days, the 452nd was referred to as a "colored" unit, or sometimes a Negro unit. But the 452nd differed in a major way from the vast majority of other so-called 'colored' battalions in this regard: both the 452nd's training and as well its actual usage as an Army unit in the European Theater was in a direct combat role instead of the service-based role that nearly all segrated units were restricted to, ie as mechanics, quartermasters, truckers, ordinance loaders road builders and the like. The men of the 452nd were anti-aircraft artillery gunners who traveled all over Europe defending different Allied forces from ground attack by German warplanes. And in that role they proved beyond all doubt that African-American's could not only perform in combat operations, but they could perform with great distinction and heroism. I wish I knew your e-mail address, but for limited (I am still in the beginning of this myself) further information and stories detailing the exploits of the 452nd, you can write me at It will be my pleasure to hear from someone else who presumably has friends or family who served in the 452nd or maybe even served themselves! Bruce Kimzey

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Q: How do you find information about BTRY A 452 AAA CAC a unit during World War 2?
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