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Q: How do you belayers use friction help them to hold on to the rope?
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What would be like to climb a rope without friction?

Without friction - climbing a rope would be impossible !

Why is it thermal energy when you twirl a jump rope?

Because as the rope swings through the air, it creates friction. friction = heat.

What is Rope burn?

Rope burnusually means a friction burn from any source.

Sliding down a rope can burn you?

yes because there is friction and friction produce sparks and it starts burning.

What it would be like to try and climb a rope if there were no friction present?


When you want to pull to lift something the main advantage of passing a rope upward and through a single pulley rather than just up over the branch of a tree is that the pulley?

The rope pulled over the branch is hampered by the rope's friction over the branch. The same rope pulled over a pulley is not affected by friction as the pulley wheel will turn as the rope is pulled.

Does sand in your hands help in a battle of tug of war?

Because sand has lots of grip so it can be easier to hold the rope.

What variables might affect the number of cycles the pendulum makes in 15 seconds?

Length of the rope, speed at which the pendulum is moving, friction between the rope and the air, the rope and its suspension point, and within the rope itself.

Why is friction sometimes harmful?

Friction has a nasty habit of wearing away surfaces. It can seize up engines if there is no lupricant. It can wear away your clothing and scrape away skin if you fall off your bike. It can cause a burn if when you hands slip while trying to hold a rope. Though friction can cause much trouble we also need it.

What two types of energy are involved when friction causes an object to heat up?

I think it is kinetic and heat energy. An example of this would be if you were sliding down a rope and got rope burn- the kinetic energy causes you to move and friction is caused between your body and the rope and thus causing heat that equals rope burn. Hope this helps :-)

What are the different types of rock climbing?

There is leading (when you clip in to quick draws as you climb higher), top roping (when the wall runs to the top of the wall from your belayer and back down to you), bouldering (shorter wall and no rope), free soloing (no rope at all climbing 30ft +), Deep water soloing (climbing with no rope over water), and multi-pitch (climbing more than your length of rope by having the belayer climb up and clip in higher on the wall and alternating belayers)

What would we hold on to something tightly?
