The Weider 2980 X Weight System is the most inexpensive home gym system. On their website, the home gym is priced at only $199. Many sporting goods stores sell Weider home gyms.
You could try the Weider Fitness website.
wieder 1120
Home gym equipment are sold by retailers such as Sports Authority, Dick's Sporting Goods, Walmart, and Amazon.
HI, this is the only site that I could find that could help, you.
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i have a weider3150 home gym i had to move it and now i dont know how 2 put it back together
There are many different models of the Wieder Home Gym available. In general they consist of a high pulley, 4 roll leg developer, a bench, and weights.
A Weider home gym is available for online purchase and has many different options for consumers. There are five different home gyms for specific workouts such as pullups and chin ups. Sizes typically fit into any room while taking up minimal space and prices remain as low as three hundred.
You have a lot of places to look. On youtube almost all of the Total Gym exercizes can be done on your Weider too, I usually use the what gives ideas for exercises for all major muscle groups - and I actually can do all of them on Weider too. But on youtube I have seen lot of new ideas what I incoorporated to my routines too.
On the Weider 8510 gym equipment, the weight plates typically weigh between 2.5 to 10 pounds each, depending on the specific set you have. It's best to check the manufacturer's specifications or the markings on the plates themselves for the exact weight of each one.
You dont. You take that POS back to the store and get your money back.