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He reacted with panic of not knowing weather he would survive or not.

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Q: How did lance Armstrong react to the news of having cancer?
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What are two ways that antioxidants react with cancer cells?

wht are two ways that antioxidants react with cáncer cels

How do you react when your doctor tells your parents you are being tested for cancer?

I would want to be tested for cancer. It will probably be good to know if i got cancer

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Make a plan of what approach she will take to treat cancer.

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Why do scientist research cancer?

Scientists research cancer to find a way to see the symptoms of cancer before you actually react to it. They want to try to find out ways to cure it and avoid it, like crooked backs.

Friend she is having a boyfriend how can you react to her and to continue the relationship with her?

=I don't know, cheat=

My best friend who is also your cousin just told you he might have cancer what do i do if he does. like how do i react?

You should react like how you feel. Try to be encouraging and positive but don't over do it. Let him know that you will always be there for him and that he can beat it.

How did Aphrodite react to having to marry Hephaestus?

She never considered herself bound to honor the marriage, but went on having affairs with gods and men.

What are two sources of chemicals that may cause cancer when they enter the body and react with oxygen?

Two sources of chemicals that may cause cancer when they react with oxygen in the body are tobacco smoke and certain industrial pollutants. Tobacco smoke contains various carcinogens that can damage DNA and lead to the development of cancer. Industrial pollutants, such as benzene and asbestos, can also undergo chemical reactions in the body that may result in oxidative stress and DNA damage, leading to the formation of cancerous cells.

What solution will not react with magnesium?

The solutions having organic non polar solvents as Benzene, Hexane, carbon tetra chloride do not react with Magnesium.

How much alcohol is needed to cause liver and throat cancer?

The answer cannot be quantified, because individuals react differently to the presence of alcohol in their bodies. Alcohol-related cancer is characteristic of long-term chronic drinkers.

What are the implications of having charged particles in an atom?

So the electrons in the atom can react with each other.