

How could you take part at the ancient Olympics?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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They have to learn to do nothing.

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Q: How could you take part at the ancient Olympics?
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You had to be 7 or older to compete in the Ancient Greek Olympic games

Why did the women in the ancient Olympics offend Zeus?

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Women can take part in the olympics.

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No women, no slaves were alowed to take part in the ancient Olympic Games.

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only men where aloud to take part because in those days woman weren't aloud to take part nor watch.

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The Olympics take place in August

What is the difference between participants today than the ancient times participants?

in the ancient times, only men could take part as for nowadays both gender could take part

What event did women take part in ancient greek Olympics?

None - it was a male religious celebration in honour of the god Zeus.