

How come it hurts to do pointe?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Everyone cannot do the pointe. It requires a specific body type and it hurts probably because you are not doing it properly. It will take at least a year of training to do the perfect pointe and initially it hurts a bit. Soon, if you complete the training, it won't hurt anymore.

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Does pointe in ballet hurt your feet?

At first, yes pointe does hurt. But the more you do it, the more you get used to it and the less it hurts.

Are pointe shoes painful?

It depends on the person. If you have the right padding and shoes, pointe work can be pain free. But yes, it usually hurts.

Can you do pointe with demi pointe shoes?

It is physically possible...BUT... do not do it. It can break toes, feet, and possibly mess up tendens and muscles in the process. It also hurts. If you want to go onto pointe then you need to buy a real pair of pointe shoes. They are usually cheaper online. NO! DO NOT TRY THIS! This can break your feet. Demi pointe shoes are for demi pointe. Pointe shoes are for pointe. ANSWER 2 Hi, Demi-pointe shoes are used so that you can experience the sensations of pointe shoes without going on pointe. THEY ARE NOT FOR GOING ON POINTE IN! If you are only wearing demi-pointe shoes then your instructor obviously does not feel you ankles are strong enough for pointe work yet. If you do this then you face the chance of never being able to go on pointe because you have damaged you feet. So stick to demi pointe shoes for demi pointe and wait a while until your ankles are strong enough to go on pointe! PS you should never go on pointe before you are 12 as research has shown that the joints etc. in your feet have not fully developed!

How do you make your pointe shoes shiny?

Pointe shoes come shiny. If the shine in your pointe shoes is gone, it probably means it was a) worn out or b) rubbed off with a chemical. You can not make them shiny again. Purchase new ones. ;)

What are all the types of pointe shoes and where do they come from?

England: Suffolk, Freed of London USA: Bloch, Gaynor Minden Russia: Russian Pointe, Grishko Canada: Principal

What is ballet called when it's not en pointe?

"En pointe" refers to dancing in pointe shoes. Non-pointe ballet shoes are demi-pointe shoes, and the dancing is "en demi-pointe".

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Are pointe shoes uncomfortable?

All pointe shoes hurt, for some poeple, there first pair hurts the least for others it hurts the most. But when you first get pointe shoes you dont do much dancing on them, so it wont hurt as much. but it probably hurts more than you would expect.

The definition of pointe shoe?

There isn't a definition of pointe shoe because it is an English word. The real word that is french for "pointe shoe" is sur la pointe which means on top of pointe.

What science do you need to make pointe shoes?

To make pointe shoes both the physical and chemical science is needed. The shoes have to fit and come in various sizes, this is where physical science comes into perspective.

Where is Pointe- Noire?

Where is pointe- Noire from the equator

What is the ISBN of On Pointe?

The ISBN of On Pointe is 9780689865251.