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The best way is to take a cine film which takes images at fixed intervals. If you can then determine the distance moved between the images, you can calculate velocity.

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Q: How can you find out the velocity of a pitcher's arm when throwing a ball?
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How do you find initial velocity if final velocity or distance is not present?

you cannot. you need to know one or the other if you're doing a problem where someone is throwing something in the air, the final velocity is 0

What is an easier way to find regirock?

find it and keep throwing ultra balls or just throw a master ball

Is a ball is thrown by a pitcher has a momentum of 1300 kg and the mass is 15 kg what is the speed of the ball?

To find the speed of the ball, you can use the formula for momentum: momentum = mass x velocity. Rearrange the formula to find the velocity: velocity = momentum / mass. In this case, velocity = 1300 kg / 15 kg ≈ 86.67 m/s.

How can you throw the ball harder and gain more velocity?

you are not born with the talent of throwing a baseball hard. all you have to do is work out a little bit.after that u practce throwing a baseball.try different ways of throwing it see wat fits u. watch baseball games and see how they throw after seeing them you might wanna try doing wat the do

How do you find the velocity of a ball?

Some channels show you the distance between the ball and the goal at freekicks. They also show the speed of the shot. On average a freekick is between 80 and 100km\h.

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I could not find any reliable data about middle school baseball pitchers being hit with baseballs. However, I'd guess that every ball player has been hit at least once.

How do you find velocity of a ball given mass of one ball and velocity of that same ball after they collide and rebound in opposite directions?

You can use the principle of conservation of momentum. If the two balls have the same mass, the velocity of each ball after the collision can be calculated by taking the negative of the initial velocity of the single ball.

A ball player catches a ball 3.0 s after throwing it vertically upward a With what speed did he throw it b What height did it reach?

a) To find the initial speed, use the equation v = u - gt, where v is final velocity (0 m/s at the top of the trajectory), u is initial velocity (what we want to find), g is acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and t is time (3.0 s). b) To find the height reached, use the equation h = ut - 0.5gt^2, where h is the height, u is the initial velocity, g is acceleration due to gravity, and t is time. Sub in the values to get the height.

Ball kicked into the air at an angle of 34.0 degrees above the horizontal the initial velocity of the ball is 25.0 ms How long is the soccer ball in the air?

Using the kinematic equation for projectile motion, the time the soccer ball is in the air can be found using the equation: time = (2 * initial velocity * sin(angle)) / acceleration. Substituting the given values, we find that the time the soccer ball is in the air is approximately 2.42 seconds.

How can you calculate the average velocity of a bowling ball?

First, find an increment of distance. In between one place and another. Then, time how long it takes for the ball to get from point a to point b.Velocity= Distance divided by Time

I dont have a master ball and im trying to catch enti how do you get it?

Weaken it when you find it find it again it will still be weak give it paralyze status or sleep status then start throwing ultra balls until you get it.

A ball starts at rest accelerates uniformly and travels 250m in 5 seconds What is the final velocity and the acceleration of the ball?

The final velocity can be calculated using the formula final velocity = initial velocity + (acceleration * time). Since the ball starts at rest, the initial velocity is 0. The final velocity = 0 + (acceleration * 5). To find the acceleration, you can use the formula acceleration = (final velocity - initial velocity) / time. The final velocity is unknown, but we just calculated the final velocity is equal to 5 times the acceleration, so acceleration = (final velocity - 0) / 5. Substituting the final velocity = 5 times the acceleration into the acceleration equation, we get acceleration = (5 * acceleration - 0)/5. Solving for acceleration, we get acceleration = 1 m/s^2. The final velocity is 5 m/s.