No Eduardo is now in the Ukraine club Shaker Donetsk.
He made 288 appearances.
There are more than one team in da prem. There ain't gonna be one player playing in da prem wiv all dose teams
He scored 185 goals in 288 appearances.
Denilson for Arsenal, Anderson, Ridrigo Possebon and the Da Silva twins for Manchester United, Gilberto and Heurelho for Spurs, Belletti, Miniero and Alex for Chelsea, Fabio Aurelio, Lucas Lieva and Cavalieri for Liverpool, Geovanni for Hull, Cacapa for Newcastle, Robinho, Jo, Elano, and Glauber for Man City, and Alfonso Alves for Middlesboro.
It would have been enough
It means it would have been enough
Da Game Been Good to Me was created on 2009-01-16.
Beethoven's 5th
Leonardo da Vinci will be remembered for his art, maths, and science inventions he intended to invent.
it gets milked da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da da