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Acid Rain.

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Q: Gases released by burnning of fossil fuels can mix with water in the air to form acid rain solar energy or crude oil?
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How does nuclear energy help mars?

It does not produce greenhouse gases, as fossil fuels do.

Which is an effect of burning fossil fuels?

Pollution is released into the atmosphere. ..

which describes the burning of fossil fuels?

Burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change and are nonrenewable.

How does conserving energy stop greenhouse gases from getting into the atmosphere?

Most energy (electricity and transport) comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). When fossil fuels burn, they emit carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere. So if you save energy, then not so much fossil fuel is burnt and less greenhouse gases go into the air.

What is released in supernovas besides energy?

various gases

How is using nuclear energy less harmful to the environment then using fossil fuels?

Because it does not produce greenhouse gases

Why is wind energy better for the environment?

Since wind energy doesn't require the burning of fossil fuels, it doesn't create pollution or greenhouse gases.

Is geothermal energy good for your environment?

Yes, geothermal energy, like all renewable energy, emits no pollution or greenhouse gases, so, compared to fossil fuel energy, is good for the environment.

How does using Geothermal energy effect the environment?

Geothermal energy can reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by replacing energy that would have come from burning fossil fuels. It is basically a fairly clean energy source

What are the risk associated with the use of this energy source of fossil fuels?

The release of large amounts of greenhouse gases can change Earth's climate.

How can gases cause rain to be acidic?

Sulphur dioxide (or sulfur dioxide is you don't live in Britain like me) causes the rain to turn acidic and this is released when fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and gas, are burned to make energy.

How do windmills slow global warming?

By using windmills to produce energy, it cuts down on energy produced via fossil fuels such as coal and oil which produce greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are the main causes of global warming. Basically, using windmills to make clean energy cuts down on the production of greenhouse gases.