Mathieu Debuchy plays as a Defender for France.
Mathieu Debuchy played for France in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Mathieu Debuchy was born on 1985-07-28.
As of June 2014, Mathieu Debuchy is 28 years old.
Mathieu Debuchy currently plays for the French National Team. As of August 12th, 2013 he has 14 national caps, scoring 1 goal.
Mathieu Debuchy wore jersey number 2 in the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Mathieu Debuchy had played 21 time for France before the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
As of June 2014, Mathieu Valbuena plays for Marseille, a club in France.
AC Milan
Mathieu Valbuena plays as a Midfielder for France.
Tyrann Mathieu plays for the Arizona Cardinals.
Mathieu Perreault plays center for the Anaheim Ducks.