

Fastest person mile per hour

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Usain Bolt run a top speed of 27.3 Miles per Hour.

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Q: Fastest person mile per hour
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26.0 is the fastest person ever

Is a blue shark the fastest shark in the ocean?

no they are not the fastest shark the fastest shark is mako which has been topped at speeds of over 45 mile per hour no a red shark is

Is 1 mile per hour equal to 6.2 kilometers per hour?

No. One mile per hour is 1.609 kilometers per hour.

Farther a km or a mile per hour?

1 mile per hour is further than 1 km per hour

How many meters per hour is a wind speed of one mile per hour?

1 mile per hour equates to 1609.344 meters per hour.

How long does it take to Drive a mile going one mile per hour?

If you are going "one mile per hour", it takes exactly one hour to go a mile.

What animal is capable of 60-mile-per-hour bursts of speed and is the world's fastest land animal over short distances?

The cheetah.

How many minutes per mile is 11 miles an hour?

approximately 5.5 miles/hour ============= Solution Method: ----------------- There are 60 minutes in 1 hour. We often say there are 60 minutes per hour. We express this relationship mathematically as: 60 min/hr To convert miles/min to miles/hr, do the following: 1 mile/11 min * 60 min/1 hr = 60 / 11 = ~5.45 miles/hr (average speed) * Note: minutes cancel in the numerator & denominator). ----------------- Original answer: 60/11 = 5.45 recurring (that is, 5.45454...) miles per hour. Therefore, running a mile in 11 minutes corresponds to 5.45 recurring miles per hour.

Capable of 60-mile-per-hour bursts of speed what is the world's fastest land animal?

a cheetah's the fastest running land animal.its tail helps it balance while it runs.witch is a helper =]

How many ft per hour eguals 1 mile per hour?

5,280 feet = 1 mile

How much is a mile per hour?

It is 1609.344 metres per hour.

One knot is how many miles per minute?

One knot is equal to one 'nautical' mile per hour. (A British nautical mile is equal to 6,080 feet, an International nautical mile is 1,852 meters.) It is also 1.151 miles per hour.