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No, the word Basketball is not a proper noun and so it does not get capitalized in a sentence unless it is the first word of that sentence.

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Q: Does the word basketball get capitalized in any sentence?
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it depends on the sentence. for example, Basketball is fun. see in that sentence u have to capitalize it. but other sentences u dont

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Yes. Any word larger than two letters should always be capitalized in a sentence. I think you mean in a title, not a sentence. The is generally not capitalized in a title, nor is but.

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of course dummy!!!! You just capitalized it in your sentence too!!!

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It depends; if your using it in the middle of a sentence then no; if your using it at the begging of a sentence then YES!!So really it's just like any other word. Oh but if your talking about(example)in a store, then it would most likely be capitalized!!:p

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Nouns are not are not always capitalized. A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing. A common noun is capitalized only when it is the first word in a sentence. A proper noun is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title. A proper noun is always capitalized.