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Q: Does conscientious driver often get defensive or Offensive at times?
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Is the conscientious driver often the offensive driver?

Someone who drives their vehicle according to the rules of the road; they are courteous to other drivers on the road.

Is a submarine a defensive or offensive weapon?

A submarine can be used as either a defensive or offensive weapon. Also note that it is often classified as a deterrent weapon.

What is a sentence using the word conscientious?

During the Vietnam war, some people claimed to be a conscientious objectors. He made a conscientious effort to find the little boy's parents. In daily life, we often have to decide between the conscientious and the practical.

What is one reason why it is often hard to distinguish between offensive and defensive players?

In many sports, players switch between offense and defense very quickly.

What is one reason why it is often hard to distiguish between defensive and offensive?

In many sports, players switch between offense and defense very quickly.

Conscientious means what?

That means careful and diligent

What is an example of a sentence using the word penetrate?

I am often amazed at how fanatically the football game's announcers point up how easy it is for the defensive players to penetrate the offensive line. The ink will easily penetrate the cloth.

Does alcohol lowers inhibitions making a driver more aggressive and less defensive?

Yes, alcohol lowers inhibitions in general, and often makes drivers more aggressive and less defensive.

What is pass interference in flag football?

In general, interference is a deliberate act, with contact, to impede a receiver from catching a pass...or an act by a receiver to prevent defensing a pass (offensive pass interference). It is most often hitting or grabbing the receiver before the pass arrives, or a receiver shoving a defender away. If the pass has not been thrown when a defensive penalty occurs, the lesser penalty of illegal contact will apply instead. The rules are different in each level of play (high school, NCAA, NFL), as are the penalties applied.

How often can you take a defensive driving course in New York City?

You can take a defensive driving course as often as you want. If you are submitting it to the insurance company, the discount is valid for 3 years from the date you passed the course.

What is the concept of conscientious objection?

Conscientious objection is the refusal to perform a legal duty based on moral or religious beliefs. This often occurs in situations where individuals are asked to participate in activities that go against their deeply held convictions, such as military service or providing certain medical treatments. Conscientious objectors may seek alternative ways to fulfill their obligations or may face legal consequences for their refusal.

Driver 1 hits driver 2 which causes driver 2 to hit driver 3. What insurance should pay?

I disagree - Driver 1 caused the accident their insurance would pay. Driver 1 & Driver 2 is the real world answer! == == == Driver Improvement, Traffic School or Defensive Driving can be one of those vague terms like "safety" that has a meaning but can be applied in many different ways. That's why we here at "24/7" Online Virginia Driver Improvement are pleased to offer a defensive driving course that defines what we mean by staying safe on the roads and preventing collisions. Whenever there's an accident, someone is at fault. Often, one of the two drivers in a collision wasn't at fault in the least! We don't want either of those drivers to be you, so our course teaches defensive driving techniques to help you visualize, anticipate, and react to the mistakes that other drivers are most likely to make.The great thing about our Driver Education & Traffic Safety Course is that you can take it right here, right now, on our web site! You don't need to find a defensive driving instructor and go to a classroom to get the knowledge from experts in driver safety. All you need for our defensive driving course is a computer with Internet access. In some areas, this course qualifies as a court-mandated traffic school, and can even be used by some insurance companies to get you a discount on your auto insurance premiums. If you have any questions about the possible financial benefits, talk to your insurance provider. Different companies have varied rules based on many factors, and you may qualify! Regardless, your insurance is bound to stay lower if you can manage to avoid an accident that the other guy was about to cause. Register today and stay out of his way!Online Defensive Driving Classes are sometimes required by the courts if you've received a moving violation. Lots of people think that you need to take this type of course in a classroom, but that's not true "24/7" Online Virginia Driver Improvement. You can take the online defensive driving with our easy, convenient web-based defensive driving course. You just register, then log on and off as often as you like."24/7" Online Virginia Driver Improvement has been the premier choice for taking a Defensive Driving Course online by thousands of satisfied clients. Our Online Traffic Schoolcan be taken from any computer with internet access, even if you used a different computer to sign up for the course. Featuring automatic bookmarking, our course keeps track of your progress every time you log in and out. (classroom & online) 757-819-4841 or 757-235-4994