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By laws of physics, the angle at which something is launched into the air affects how far it will travel. Not taking into account air resistance, 45 degrees would be the ideal angle for maximum distance.

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Q: Does angle of catapult affect distance object travels?
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How does mass affect the distance of a canapulted object?

Catapult and not canapult. Any way for a given energy as mass of the object increases then distance would get decreased as velocity gets reduced.

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In zero gravity, the mass of an object does not effect the distance an object travels at all unless there is a constent force acting upon it. However, if it is in contact with another object, and gravity is what keeps the 2 or more objects touching each other, then mass will effect the distance it travels because of friction.

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i don't know y don't u tell me

Does force affect how far an object travels?

Distance is measured in meters, wind resistance does not come into it

How far an object travels in a certain period of time is?

Relative or apparent motion.

How much weight can a catapult hold?

if it had a large weight it was throwing then it probably would affect the throwing distance and height...the best rock thrower is called a trebuchet. it could also affect the speed the progectile is moving making it fall short of the desired distance. If it is too heavy the catapult might not be able to lift the progectile off the ground. hope this helps -coliam

An object travels a given distance at a speed of 5 m s If the object travels the same distance at a higher speed how will the time it takes the object to travel the distance be affected?

It will take less time.

How does gravity affect a catapult?

Gravity pulls down the object catapulted and brings it to the ground.

What is a catapult toy?

A catapult toy is a toy used to throw an object a long distance. Please see related link below for a picture of one.

Will the mass of an object thrown by a catapult affect the distance?

a catapult with the same amount of force will throw the objects the same distance. the air resistance on the object is the only reason one flies farther. the heavier one doesn't go as far. Also if it is to heavy, it will just fall. it it doesn't weigh enough, it wont go anywhere. Also if it is hollow it wont go anywhere

Distance an object travels in a certain direction in a certain time?

The velocity of the object.