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Female lions hunt more. They're smaller, faster and more agile.

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Q: Does a male lion hunt more then a female lions yes or no?
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How often does a male lion hunt?

The male lions can and will hunt if necessary when the female lions need help to bring down a bigger prey. The female lions will hunt the majority of the time.

Does a male lion hunt more then a female lion yes or no?

Female lions hunt more. They're smaller, faster and more agile.

How could you describe a female lion?

Female lions look very similar to their male counterparts, however they do not have the long mane male lions are famous for. Female lions hunt in packs and protect the young.

What is the ecological role of the lion?

Male = protect the pride and territory from other lions. Female = hunt

Does a female lion hunt more than a male lion?

All lions hunt. Female lions usually hunt cooperatively, male lions prefer to hunt alone. In a pride - female lions do most of the hunting whereas males help in bringing down large prey like cape Buffalo, giraffe etc. To answer your question in one word - Yes the female lions hunt more than male lions

Do male and female lions look different?

Male lions are different from female because male ones are a lot larger and they have hair around the head but female lions don't. Female lions are also referred to as "lionesses". Also, female lions do most of the hunting in the pride. While the lionesses hunt, the male lions stay near and watch over the cubs. Male lions are also known for being the leaders of the pride. The leader is the one who challenges and fights other male lions from other prides. In a pride, there is a lot more females than males also.

What are female and male sea lions called?

i think its the male is lion and the female is lioness

How does a lion exercise?

Lions are among the laziest of the creatures. The female lions get some exercise chasing after prey, killing it, and dragging it back to the male lion. The male lion occasionally hunts, if there is no females to hunt for him; he also is the protector of the family group, going after the dangerous hyenas if they approach.

What are parents of lions called?

If you see a lion, both its parents were lions, too.

What is an fact about a lion?

The male does not hunt only the female.

Who mostly hunts the female lion or male lion?

The female lionesses of the pride do the bulk of the hunting. Male lions duties mostly involve protecting the pride and fathering cubs. However, in cases where the pride is trying to bring down a large prey like a Giraffe or a Cape Buffalo, male lions too involve in the hunt.

Are male lions lazy?

yes, female lions are not so lazy as men because female lions hunt for men them selfs an cubs. When a lion female gets food the men eats first then the female and last the cubs. And also some lions could be lazy or some not lazy.