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no, but it would help you to get the job

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Q: Do you have to play a sport in order to become a sports commentator?
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What training is required to become a sports commentator?

Most commentators have been jurnalists and or have played in the sport and been asked to comment (pundit).

What sport did dorian Williams become a famous tv commentator on?


How many sport commentator does BBC Sport Scotland have?

The BBC Sport Scotland company has several different sports commentators. The BBC Sport company provides coverage of many different sports such as football, tennis, rugby, cricket, and golf the amount of commentators for a sport depends on the sport as some are more popular than others.

Is being a sports commentator a good job?

It's a very good job. They get payed a lot, especially if they're commentating a professional sport.

What skills do you need to become a sport scientist?

you have to know a lot about sports

How does a sport become a demostration sport for the oympics?

It comprises all the sports contested in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games.

When do you use the words sport and sports?

Sport is singular. Baseball is a sport. The sport of surfing. Be a good sport about it. Sports is plural I like to play sports. Sports are good exercise.

What does someone need to do to be a sports commentator?

you need to have a knowladge and passion for the specific sport you want to commentate for. dick vitale is a perfect commentator because he shows his passion for college basketball. harry carry of the Chicago cubs did the same thing. you also have to be observant and know your stuff.

What is the order of most expensive sports starting with the highest?

*sport/activities *sport fishing *airplane flying *car racing

What do sports answer in terms of human needs?

Competition, sports also can provide teammates depending on which sport, and as teammates you should become like family.

How can dehydration affect a sports persons performance?

If you have dehydration, you become lightheaded and sometimes black out so it could make you lousy in the sport or the sports training.

When did badmiton become an official olympic sports?

Badminton became an official Olympic sport 1992 in Barcelona.