

Do you compare ping-pong and tennis?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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kinda its just Table Tennis

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Q: Do you compare ping-pong and tennis?
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What sports uses a net?

1) Tennis 2) Table tennis 3) Volleyball 4) Badminton

What is gossima?

Gossima is actually known as Table tennis or pingpong. Though it is not really known.

What is another name for pingpong?

Originally, it was "gasima" and "wiff waff." Ping Pong is a copyrighted trademark now owned by Escalade Sports and Sears. So as not to infringe on that trademark, it is known as the sport of table tennis.

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There is Softball,Baseball,Tennis,Pingpong,Basketball,Scocer,Cheerleading,Football,and Golf.

What is Beijing most famous sport?

Beijing most famous sport is beasketball and pingpong(table tennis).

How big is each planet in tiny ball form?

Ok. Sun: basket ball mecury: marble venus and earth: tennis ball mars: pingpong ball jupiter: medium sized football saturn: small sized football Uranus: pingpong ball neptune: pingpong ball (pluto): marble

What is theFirst name of table tennis excepts for pingpong?

Table tennis has been called ... Whiff Whaff Gossima Ping Pong The official name is table tennis. The name Ping Pong is now a USA trademark.

What are the materials needed in order to play table tennis?

A ping pong table, 2 paddles and a set of ping pong balls. The table must also have a pingpong net in the middle just like tennis.

Where is pingpong mostly played?

China is definitely the country that plays pingpong the most