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Q: Do the texture of a basketball affect the accuracy of a shot?
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Related questions

How does the texture of a basketball effect the accuracy of a shot?

a basketball texture gives you a better grip so you have good control and accuracy.

How does the stance of a basketball player affect the basketball shot?

It can affect the shot's accuracy. If you are unbalanced, your shot will most likely not be straight, unless you anticipate the shot. You have the most control over the ball in your shooting stance. I prefer to face the basket with one foot slightly ahead of the other.

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How can the amount of powder in a muzzle loader affect the accuracy of the shot?


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Will the mass of a basketball affect the dribble or shoot of a basketball?

Of course not! The only thing that will affect the dribble or shot projection of the ball is based on how well you are able to handle the ball.

Does a net help the shot accuracy?

everybody is different but i have been playing basketball since i was 6 and i can personally say it helps a ton

How do you improve your basketball shot?

You can improve your basketball shot by practicing.

Should I change my basketball shot?

I don't know what your basketball shot is.

Who makes a rainbow shot football basketball baseball or volleyball?

in basketball you make a rainbow shot

What's the most common shot in basketball?

The most common shot in basketball is a layup.

What is a jump shot in basketball?

== == == == A jump shot is just a shot that isn't a layup, dunk, or floater. Basically a shot at least 10ft away and requires you to jump and release with a stroke. when a person playing basketball elevates (jumps) before taking a shot<< this can sometimes improve accuracy and decrease distance from the basket. == == when a person playing basketball elevates (jumps) before taking a shot<< this can sometimes improve accuracy and decrease distance from the basket.