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Some did but they had to be careful because if they were caught then they were either stoned to death or thrown of a cliff

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Q: Did the woman in the ancient olympic games dress up to get in?
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Were woman in the ancient olympic games?


Where woman allowed to participate in the ancient olympic games?


Why could some people not compete in the Ancient Olympic games but not others?

i think woman couldn't

Is it Kyniska or Cynisca?

It is Cynisca. She was an ancient Greek princess and the first woman to win at the Olympic Games.

If woman were found in the ancient Olympic games what punishment did they get?

There were no women's events, and all adult women were barred from attending the games on pain of death.

Why were the woman not allowed in the Olympic games in Ancient Greece?

the men did not want to look foolish in front of the woman. also the men thought the women would abuse them

Who is the only woman who can watch the olympic games?

unmarried woman

Were woman allowed at the olympic games?


Who was the first woman to witness the olympic games?

While only men were allowed o compete, all could watch even the ancient olympics. Who was first woman can't be determined.

Woman in the 2008 olympic games for cheerleading?

Cheerleading will not be in the 2008 olympic games, it is up for consideration for the 2012 summer Olympics

When was the first modern olympic games opened to woman?

The 1900 Olympics were the first modern Olympic Games to be open to women.

How are woman represented in the council of the olympic games?

they are treated good