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Q: Darryl throws a basketball at the gym floor. The ball bounces once on the floor and comes to rest in his coach and hands. At which point are all the forces on the basketball balanced?
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What are some balanced forces in basketball?

spinning ball on your finger hanging on rim

How can a basketball player make the forces on a basketball balanced?

That is simple because he has been playing basket ball sinse they where kids so they are used to having a balance on a basketball

When a pair of balanced forces acts on an object the ne force that result is?

If the net force is zero, then the forces are balanced. If the net force is not zero, then the forces are not balanced. You can have a balanced pair of forces, but not a pair of balanced forces.

What is the total force of two balanced forces?

If the forces are balanced, then by definition the sum of the forces is zero.

Two forces that cancel each other out?

Forces that cancel each other out are said to be balanced.

If there are two equal and opposite forces on something you say the forces are?

If the forces are balanced they will have no action or the object, if not they will accelerate the object in the resultant direction of the two forces..

Why are forces balanced when a car is travelling at a steady speed?

If the forces weren't balanced, then the car would be (de) accelerating, thus the forces must be balanced.

What if the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces in terms of motion?

Unbalanced forces is when the forces are 0N or more. Balanced forces are 0.

Are the forces on a car unbalanced or balanced?


What are balanced forces equivalent to?

A balanced group of forces has the same effect as no force at all.

Are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced?

are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced

What effect do balanced forces have on the motion of objects?

Balanced forces do not alter the motion of objects.