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Q: Could you get a point in netball if you place the ball in the circle in the center?
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What joint movement are used in netball?

the sort of physical movements that take place are stop and start. the jumping in areas, that are unexpected, and the dodging are the movements that centers, usually play with/do.resource: i play netball and am a center.

Can a key on a map have pictures?

Yes, often the symbol for a place is a picture. For example a helipad could be a red circle with a white 'H' in the center.

What does the WD in netball do?

The WD defends the place near the goal circle. They are not aloud in the goal circle.

Does a tangent circle pass through the center of the circle?

If the tangent circles are outside of one another, then neither passes through the center of the other. If one circle is within the other, then the inner tangent circle might contain the center point of the larger circle. There will be infinitely many inner tangent circles that do not.

Is Netball played in Chile?

I think no, unfortunately. The nearest place to play netball in south america is Argentina.

Is the word netball a proper noun?

No, the noun netball is a common noun, a word for any netball or any netball game.A common noun becomes a proper noun when it is the name of a person, place, thing or a title. For example:Detroit Metro Netball ClubThe Florida Netball Classic tournamentUSA Netball Association

Does always a tangent to a circle pass through the center of the circle?

the tangent will never go through the center of a cirlce. The tangent is, by definition, a line that only intersects the circle at one point. If you look down a pencil along its long axis, so that it appears to be a circle, and place your finger on top of and perpendicular to the pencil, your finger is now tangent to the circle you see.

How do you find a centre of circle when we have a right triangle and a circle We need to find the centre of circle. Can someone please help me?

If the sides of the triangle are equal in length to the radius of the circle, then you can simply place the two ends of the hypotenuse on the perimeter of the circle, and it's remaining corner will lie at the circle's center.

How do you make a compass with a magnetized nail and stringand plastic jar with lid and tape?

The idea is to draw a circle (two actually), using the ends of the paperclip to establish the radius of the circle, one pencil to anchor an end of the paperclip as the center of the circle, and a second pencil at the opposite end of the paperclip to draw the circle. Step by step, with the following diagram of characters, where the 'x' shows the place of the pencil that does not move, as the center of the circle, 'y' shows the place of the second pencil that moves to draw the small circle, and 'z' shows the place of the second pencil that moves to large small circle: (x______y)__z) # Place the paperclip on a piece of paper; # Put the first pencil inside the end of the paperclip that has just one loop ('x' above in the diagram). This pencil stays put, and is the center of the circle; # Put the second pencil inside either of the loops at the other end of the paperclip. Move this second pencil to draw a circle.

How do you draw a great circle in 3 dimensional sphere?

A great circle is any circle whose center is also the center of the sphere. You could try this way: Spread ink on a sheet of paper. Set the sphere on the paper so that it picks up a mark from the ink, and at the same time, place a mark on the highest point of the sphere. Then draw any circle on the sphere that includes those two points. As we read the question, we were fascinated by the implication that you have spheres with more or less than 3 dimensions.

There are 5 overlapping circles place one of the numbers 1 to 9 in each space so that the total in each circle is the same but you are only allowed to use a number once?

The answer will depend on the configuration of the circles: they could overlap only pairwise - a bit like the Olympic rings, or they could have regions where several circles overlap. One configuration could be as follows. In order to visualize the circles, draw them yourself, following these instructions carefully:- Draw your first circle, maybe about 8cm in diameter. Write '5' in the center. Draw another circle to the left, with its center about 0.5 cms inside the circumference of the 1st circle, ensuring that the '5' is within this second circle. Write a small '1' just right of center of this second circle, and '9' in the open space of this second circle, i.e. to the far left. Draw a lower circle in the same way, with its center about 0.5 cm up from the circumference of the 1st circle, ensuring that the '5' is within this third circle. Write a small '4' just above center of this third circle, and '6' in the open space of this third circle, i.e. at the bottom. Draw a circle to the right in the same way, with its center about 0.5 cm in from the circumference of the 1st circle, ensuring that the '5' is also within this fourth circle. Write a small '3' just left of center of this fourth circle, and '7' in the open space of this fourth circle, to the far right. Finally, draw an upper circle, with its center about 0.5 cm down from the circumference of the 1st circle, ensuring that the central '5' is also within this fifth circle. Write a small '2' just below center of this fifth circle, and write '8' in the above open space of this circle. -------------------- You will have five circles and will have used each number 1 to 9 only once, each within its own space. Your central circle will have 5,1,4,3,2 (total 15) within its boundaries. The left circle will have 9,1,5 (total 15) within its boundaries. The bottom circle will have 5,4,6 (total 15) within its boundaries. The right circle will have 5,3,7 (total 15) within its boundaries. The top circle will have 8,2,5 (total 15) within its boundaries. And all the requirements of this puzzle are fulfilled. -------------------------------------------

How do draw a circle with a compass?

To draw a circle with a compass, first set the distance between the point and the pencil of the compass using a ruler. This distance is the radius. Now, place the point on the paper where you want the center of the circle. Spin the compass around the point, lightly dragging the pencil on the paper, and you will have a circle.