

Could girls like soccer

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes, girls could like soccer. Remember that there are many popular soccer players who are females. Hence, girls can also be huge fans of soccer. You can notice that when you're watching a match, you will notice that not all the fans watching the soccer game are males. Black10 says: I'm sorry, but do you live under a rock? I'm a girl and I don't like soccer, I love soccer. Boys might be more physical in the game, but girls happen to be much meanier in soccer and believe me male or female can be the most competitive people you'll ever meet.

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who said its bad? not like i am a girl or anything, but i think soccer should be let to EVERYONE but at least ranking you on how good you are not by age or size... but no its not bad for girls to play soccer, but a boy against girl team? that could be debatable.

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yes if you like to be aggressive but if you don't then no i like it though

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Because most girls don't like soccer as much as boys and nearly all boys like soccer. And that's why soccer is a popular sport.

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that there beatiful

Does everyone like soccer?

No, because everyone has their own opinons. Some may like soccer, others could like football.