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Q: Could a high air resistance replacement for a baseball serve to reduce flight distances enough to allow baseball as an indoor sport on the moon?
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What happens when the forces upthrust and air resistance are applied to objects?

If enough upthrust is added to an object then it will be pushed upwards. If enough air resistance is applied to an object then it will move in the direction which the air resistance is pushing it in. If you are already falling, then you will have air resistance. If it is increased when you open a parachute for instance, then you will slow down.

Will the US women's softball team be at the 2012 summer Olympics?

No, but the team is trying to get the sport back in to the 2016 Summer Olympics. They did not have enough votes for any baseball to be added as a sport or for a replacement sport

Is resistance in the filament of a lamp essential or not?

Yes, the resistance of the filament of a light bulb is what generates enough heat to make the filament glow and produce light.

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Safe following distances create a 'buffer zone' whereby if the vehicle in front slams on its brakes - theoretically there is enough road space for you to stop safely BEFORE hitting it ! Safe following distances are affected by road & weather conditions.

A falling stone has zero acceleration?

Only if it has enough wind resistance to cancel out gravity.

How cool are flying squirrels?

If they have enough momentum, then yes, they can fly fast and for long distances.

What are the Dangers of skyscrapers?

it is dangerouse because there is not enough air resistance and gravity pulls u down

Why was the steam engin enevented?

because the horse wasnt strong enough to pull heavy loads over long distances,

Which diode will work when two different diodes are in parallel?

the path of least Resistance electricity is like water it flows in the direction of least Resistance so current should flow in the diode with the lowest Resistance but if the draw on current was high enough it would also start to flow in the higher resistance diode

How many ohms does your Jeep Wrangler have?

Sorry but your question does not contain enough information to be answered. Ohms are a measurement of electrical resistance. Please specify the electrical component that you wish to know the Resistance of.

Is the iPod Touch 4 scratch resistance?

it is to a point if it is to sharp of an object it will scratch it and if enough pressure is applied

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Least resistance and drag but still enough oxygen for combustion.