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Q: Cell layer inside the epidermis that helps to transport water to the vascular core?
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Cell layer that helps transport water to the vascular core?

The cortex is the cell layer inside the epidermis that helps to transport water to the vascular core. Tissue that gives rise to lateral roots is a pericycle.

Cell layer inside the epidermis that helps transport water?


Is flower vascular or nonvascular?

Flowering plants are most probably vascular, since they have a stem that helps them transport water more effectively and efficiently.

Is plants is non-vascular or vascular?

It is a vascular plant.

What is the function of a sugar in the body?

Sugar helps to transport the oxygen inside the body.

What is the pigment that helps the deepest layers of the epidermis called?

Melanin is the pigment that helps protect the deepest layers of the epidermis.

How do the dead cells of the epidermis helps the body?

When These cells Die, They Become Part Of The Surface Layer Of The Epidermis.

What is the function of vascular tissues in plants?

The vascular system in plants have two components: xylem and pholem. The xylem helps in the transport of water absorbed through roots to all the aerial parts of the plant and the phloem helps in transporting the manufactured food from leaves to all other parts of the plant.

What part of a leaf helps protect the plant the epidermis pore chloroplasts?

Yes leaves do have an epidermis that protects the plant.

Why do moths have silver blood?

Moths do not have blood inside their bodies. Rather, they have a yellowish, silver liquid that helps transport nutrients to their organs.

How does lower epidermis adapt to do it job in the leaf?

In dicot plants the lower epidermis is frequently ruptured by stomata and thus helps in gaseous exchange and transpiration.

Why can vascular plants grow much larger than nonvascular plants?

Water vascular system is most important system of echinoderms as 1 , It helps tube feet for locomotion , 2 , It helps in excretion , 3 , it helps in respiration , 4 , it helps in feeding . It is distinguishing feature of echinoderms .