

Can you spray paint a bike?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Well, you can, but pretty much any paint you can apply at home will be a lot softer than the factory paint, so the new paintjob will chip and scratch much easier than the old one. On top of that it's real easyto get the paint to run. I only paint bikes when they're so ugly that I don't feel like there's anything to lose any more, and I don't bother with spraying them. Hammerite and a brush is a level where I thinkt effort matches the result. But if you insist you should start by removing as many parts as possible from the bike, then carefully mask off whatever it is you can't remove. Sand the frame/fork lightly to make it easier for the new paint to stick, then wipe down with a solvent. Several thin layers are better than one thick coat, and helps reduce the risk of runs. Once done, allow the bike to sit for at least a week before handling the frame, to let the paint reach maximum hardness.

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Probably not, but there are people who have painted their cars with rustoleum brand paint, and it didn't turn out too bad. Google it. MY ANSWER: Well, it depends on spray paint -if you buy the correct kind then it most likely will turnout fine. If the spray paint bottle says that it will work on metal then there is no reason that it wouldn't work out on a metal bike. Go to: try asking there.

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Well first you have to dismantle all the bike parts from the bike. Separate wheels from body and take out all the brakes and stickers. Then remove all the old paint and scratches from the bike. To remove the old paint, take a sheet of sand paper and rub it against the parts that you want to paint. Rub until you see a silver metal under the paint. After you have done that, you are ready to paint your bike. (For BEST results i prefer using spray paint for metal, because it sticks better to it.) Take a spray paint and spray the first coat. Than wait 5-10 minutes for paint to dry than spray the second layer. For more darker color, make it 3 layers. So here you go! Enjoy!

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answer this question: how do you spray paint badly? then do the opposite. Of course, it depends what you are spray painting