

Can you say check after the player moves?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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No, it would be too late.

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Q: Can you say check after the player moves?
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What is an example of stalemate?

A stalemate occurs when one player's king is not in check, but has no legal moves left. Most often this occurs when a player's king is not in check but the player's only available move would put the king in check. Since the rules forbid a player from moving the king into check, the player has no legal moves remaining. But since the king is not "in check" it is not a checkmate.

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yes you do

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Frisk can't check moves. It can only check items. If it was able to check moves, that would be cheating.

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If you're in check and you have no legal move , it's checkmate - you lose . If you're not in check and you have no legal move then it's stalemate - it's a draw .

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Stalemate is a situation in chess where the player whose turn it is to move is not in check but has no legal moves. A stalemate ends the game in a draw.

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I say the moves

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No, the disk moves.

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One (you can check for any word by seeing how many times your jaw moves up and down when you say the word)

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Check out some science fiction moves. Me, I'd shake his/her/its hand (or whatever they use) and say "G'day!".

What happens if you call check but it is actually check mate?

When a king is in check the player controlling that king will have to get his king out of check. When you discover that this is impossible, you will come to the realization that this is in fact checkmate, game over. It's that simple. Calling check is a polite thing to do. It is not a requirement and if you did not notice that you opponent's king is in check and he eventually moves out of check, then you missed the opportunity.

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In Summary, when you check moves, or in Battle, when you level up.

If a king causes to be killed does the player have to say check mate?

Not if they already know the game is over.