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Q: Can you hit the table with your paddle after hitting the ball?
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How do you spin serve in ping pong?

It is all in the motion of the serve, instead of hitting the ball straight forward, slice the ball with the paddle in order to keep the ball along the entire surface area of the paddle in a more or less downward motion and that will induce spin.

Where does the word ping pong originate from?

Well, an ancient being from centuries ago hit a ping pong ball with his or her paddle. When the ball hit the paddle it made a 'ping' sound. The ball rebounded of the paddle and hit the table, making a 'pong' sound. Ping pong was then born.

In table tennis is it allowed for a player to hit his own table with his paddle?

Yes. You can hit the table but if you move the table while the ball is still in play, you lose the point.

Why people hit to play table tennis?

Playing table tennis involves hitting a ball.

Does the ball have to touch the table before striking it in ping pong?

No, you can't. The ball must land on your side of the table first before you can return it.

Can you hit the ball on the full in table tennis?

Generally, no. If you "volley" the ball (as they do in tennis), you would lose the point. The technical term is "obstruction" but what it refers to is hitting the ball before it bounces. If there's a chance that the ball might hit the table because it's still travelling towards it, your opponent would lose the point if he prevented it from doing so by hitting/volleying it on the full. But ... If the ball has already passed over the table and/or is travelling away from the table, your opponent wins the point whether he hits/volleys it or not. And also ... as well as hitting the ball with your racket, if you touch the ball with any part of your body or with anything you carry, the same rule applies.

In ping pong if the ball hits your paddle when it's out is it the other person's point?

It depends.The crucial test for whether a player wins a point after volleying the ball is ... was the ball moving towards, or away from, the playing surface?Let me explain with a question and answer ...If I hit a ball to my opponent, and it doesn't hit their half of the playing surface (table) because it's a bad shot ... but they hit the ball anyway, who gets the point?Well, it depends ...If your opponent hits/volleys the ball whilst it's still travelling over the playing surface, you win the point.But if it's already passed over the playing surface and it's obviously not going hit the table, your opponent wins the point.In other words, if there's a chance that the ball might hit the table because it's still travelling towards it, your opponent would lose the point if he prevented it from doing so by hitting/volleying it ...But ...If the ball has already passed over the table and/or is travelling away from the table, your opponent wins the point whether he hits/volleys it or not.

Is the table use for table tennis is circular?

Yes. Table tennis table is circular it was made circular so that the edges are smooth and no one will get injured unlike a rectangular table people could get hurt if they hit the pointy edge. This is also why the paddle and ball are circular to avoid injuries.

Can you hit the ball in table tennis before it touches your side of the table?

No the ball must touch your side of the table before you can hit it

Can you use your hand in ping pong?

Yes; the ball can hit anywhere in the area below the wrist of your paddle-hand. Also, sometime in 2011, they changed the rules to allow the ball to hit that area TWICE, if it was accidental -- that is, as long as it's the same continuous stroke of the paddle -- and, the ball can never hit any place other than that area. For example, if the ball deflects off your wrist AND THEN nicks/scrapes part of a finger, that's OK -- you just keep playing the point. However, if the ball strikes any area above your wrist (of your paddle-hand), then you lose that point (i.e. volley) -- and game then resumes as normal with the next serve for whoever is serving. Another note on this: If you suspect your opponent of hitting the ball twice outside the area mentioned above, then you should immediately call a "let" and clarify what you saw and declare the point is yours. However, if your opponent says it didn't happen that way, then you MUST call for a "referee" IF you do not accept the opponents' explanation of where/what the ball struck -- HOWEVER, usually you would ACCEPT your opponents' explanation, because table-tennis is a game among honorable players. Joe Gervais (id=JoeG314) Nov. 13, 2009 (revised Nov. 12, 2011) (TT player in Saint Paul, Minnesota)

What are the little bumps on the face of a table tennis paddle called?

The difference is that the bumby side lets you have more aiming ability and more traction when u hit the ball

How many times does Spongebob Squarepants have to hit the paddle ball?

29,998,559,671,349 times in a row!