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It can be. If you are having symptoms that are unusual for you around the time of your period, then yes, they can very well be signs of pregnancy. Common symptoms women notice when they are early in their pregnancies are:

Nausea, sore breasts and nipples, increase or decrease in appetite, increased urination, more emotional, breakouts, and an increase in cervical mucous.

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Q: Are sore nipples and an increase in libido a sign of pregnancy?
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Is itchy nipples sign of pregnancy?

Yes! it is a good sign! and its also normal in the pregnancy.

Why do you have sore nipples and on your period?

Yes it can be or a sign your soap is irritating your nipples or bra is rubbing against your nipples, etc.

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You have sore of nipples with colourless liquid bleed is sign of pregnancy?

it may be a sign of pregnancy or it may not be .... you can't be sure until you've taken a pregnancy test!

Is Pain in nipples are the sign of pregnancy?

Yes , when your nipples get sensative or painful it can either mean your pregant or your period is about to start .

Are sore and swollen nipples just a sign of PMS?

That can be sign of pregnancy or PMS. All women are different.

Why are your nipples swolen?

it could be a sign of pregnancy or just tig ol bittys

What if your period is expected in 1 day you have sore nipples headaches and bleeding gums are you pregnant?

Headaches, tender or painful breasts and nipples are common signs of early pregnancy. Red, tender gums that bleed when you floss or brush are a sign of pregnancy gingivitis, found by about half of women during pregnancy it is caused by the increase in progesterone making your gums more sensitive to the bacteria in plaque and by the increase in the blood supply to your mouth.

Is puffiness of the nipples a sign of early pregnancy?

It can be but, also it can mean a lot of other things.

Around your nipples are getting darker and viens are starting to show What is this a sign of?

uh pregnancy

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Is burning nipples a sign of pregnancy or impending period?

Burning feeling in the nipples can be caused by several things which are as follows: * Irritation from bra. * Irritation caused by soap and/or washing powder. * Pregnancy. * Period about to start.