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Q: Are animals like rabbits tigers and owls producers consumers or decomposes?
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Is a jackrabbit a consumer or a producer?

Jackrabbits - like all rabbits - are consumers.

What eats producers and sometimes other consumers?

Consumers that feed on producers are called herbivores, while consumers that feed on other consumers are called carnivores. Omnivores consume both producers and other consumers. Examples of animals that fall into these categories include rabbits (herbivore), lions (carnivore), and humans (omnivore).

Animals that eat only producers are?

Animals that eat only producers are known as herbivores. Herbivores obtain their energy by consuming plants, which are primary producers in the food chain. Examples of herbivores include cows, deer, and rabbits.

What are producers for a coyotes?


What are secondary and primary consumers?

Primary consumers feed on producers (plants) and secondary consumers feed on primary consumers. For example, rabbits are primary consumers because they feed on vegetation. Foxes are secondary consumers because they feed on rabbits.

Are Rabbits the primary consumer secondary consumer tertiary consumers or the producers?

something little gets eaten by something bigger that it so a

What are herbivores which eat producers?

Herbivores that eat producers are known as primary consumers. These animals primarily feed on plants, algae, or other photosynthetic organisms as their main source of nutrition. Examples of primary consumers include rabbits, deer, and grasshoppers.

Is a rabbit a consumers?

Yes, as a rabbit can not make it's own food but must consume the food made by plant producers. A first order consumer.

What are some of the consumers in the desert?

All animals in the desert are consumers. Only plants are producers. Examples: snakes lizards rabbits, hares wolves, coyotes birds of all kinds big cats coatis and so forth.

What is the name for organisms that eat producers?

The name for organisms that eat producers is Consumers.Generically, 'producers' or 'autotrophs' make their own food from Water, Carbon dioxide and the energy in Sunlight and 'consumers' or 'heterotrophs' get their food/energy by eating producers.However, consumers can be subdivided into:-Herbivores (which only eat producers, primary consumers - e.g. Zebra, Rabbits)Carnivores (which predate and eat herbivores, secondary consumers - e.g. Tigers, Sharks)Omnivores (which can eat both herbivores and producers - e.g. Humans, Pigs)There are also those organisms which break down and decompose producers and consumers when they die.

What is the difference between producers primary consumers secondary consumers and decomposers?

Producers are organisms that make their own food through photosynthesis. Primary consumers are animals that eat producers, while secondary consumers eat primary consumers. Decomposers break down dead organic matter into nutrients that can be reused by producers.

Is a bunny a produser?

Umm... no. Rabbits are consumers, meaning they eat other organisms. They are also herbivores, a.k.a. plant-eaters. Producers are mainly plants, and hopefully you know that bunnies are animals :)