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Q: Are Olympics always held at the capital city o the country?
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Since 1915 what country has been designated as the Olympics capital?

Lausanne, Switzerland's fifth largest city, has been designated as the Olympics capital since 1915.

Which country hosted the 2012 Olympics?

United Kingdom, in the capital city of London.

What city is a capital?

A capital city is usually the administrative centre of a country, ( Where government is) It is also often the largest city in that country but not always by any means

Is Dhaka a country?

No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.No, it is a city. It is the capital city of the country called Bangladesh.

Is capital city always largest city in the countries?

No, the capital city is not always the largest city in a country. While in some countries the capital city may be the largest in terms of population and economic activity, there are also many countries where the largest city is different from the capital city.

Is the capital city always the largest city?


What is the capital city of the 2010 host country?

The 2010 Winter Olympics were held from February 12 to February 28, 2010 in Vancouver, Canada. Ottawa, Ontario is the capital city of Canada.

What is the capital city of the country called?

The capital city of a country is called "the capital city," or equivalently, "the capital."

What major European capital city do you find Vatican City in?

Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.Vatican City is an independent country that is in Rome, the capital of Italy.

Ecuador is the capital of which country?

Ecuador is the name of a country. It is not a capital city of any country.

Is there a capital country of Guatemala City?

Guatemala City is the capital city of the country of Guatemala.

Kuwait is the capital city of what country?

Kuwait City is the capital city of the country of Kuwait.