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ans. 340 00lb, 10 000 lb, 31 000lb

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Q: A swimming tank 50ft long and ft wide has a sloping floor so that the water is 4.0ft deep at one end and 7.0 ft at the other Find the total force due to the water on the bottom and that on each end?
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Why when you dive for a coin at the bottom of a swimming pool the coin isn't exactly where it appeared to be?

because it makes the force make bigger and does notmove

What is a simple machine with a sloping surface force?

It sounds like an inclined plane

How much force does a floor exert on you?

When you stand on a floor, the force that you exert on the floor because of your weight is equal to the force with which the floor supports your weight.

What is an inclined plane with two or more sloping slides that changes the direction of the applied force?


Are you stand on floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet how much force does it exert why are you not moved upward by this force?

The floor is a stationary object (in relationship to you). The floor will provide only enough force to match the force of gravity holding you down. It has to be equal.

When you standing on the floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet How much force does it exert?

Because your feet are not accelerating, the force exerted by the floor upon your feet must be exactly the same as the force exerted by your feet on the floor. If you are standing, the amount of force exerted by your feet, and thus the amount of force exerted by the floor, is equivalent to your weight.

To stop the table in your class falling through the floor what must the floor do against the force of gravity pulling the table down?

The floor must exert a force equal to that of the force exerted on the desk from gravity. This force is called a "normal force"

If a person weighs 150 pounds and is standing on the floor and the floor is not moving what is the force that the floor exerts on the person?

150 lbs. In order for the floor to support you it must resist an equal force.

When standing on the floor does the floor exert an apward force against your fit how much force does exert why you are not move forward by the floor?

Yes, the force exerted by the floor on our feet is equal to the force that our feet exerted on the floor, or it just depends on your weight, If you are heavier than the normal. When you stand, the longer the time you stand, the more pain you feel on your feet. And we can't be move upward by the force that the floor exerted on our feet because of the force of our weight that keeps us on the ground, and also because of gravity.

If your weight is 140 pounds what size force do you feel pushing back on your feet as you stand on the floor?

This involves Newton's third law of motion; for every force there is an equal and opposite force. If your weight is 140 lbs, then you're exerting 140lbs of force on the floor. In response, the floor is exerting 140lbs of force on you.

When you stand on a floor does the floor exert an upward force against your feet?


What is the average amount of newtons from the floor against gravity?

If you push down on the floor with a certain force, then - by Newton's Third Law - the floor will push up against you, with the same force. For instance, say you have a mass of 70 kg. In that case, your weight will be (roughly) 700 newton. If you stand on the floor, you will push down with a force of 700 N; and the floor will of course push back up, with the same force.