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Q: A mechanical wave is created when a medium?
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What is a mechanical wave and a medium?

A mechanical wave is a wave the transfers energy through a medium If anyone know what a mechanical waves medium is add an answer to this question

If the wave requires a medium then the wave is classified as a?

If the wave requires a medium then it is a mechanical wave.

What creates a mechanical?

A mechanical wave is created when a source of energy causes a vibration to travel through a medium

What wave requires a medium?

Waves that require a medium are called mechanical waves

What type of wave is a mechanical wave?

A mechanical wave is a wave that uses a medium to travel. Without a medium, it would not be able to go anywhere.

A wave that requires a medium to travel?

A mechanical wave such as a sound wave requires a medium to travel through.

Is an ocean wave mechanical wave?

Yes, an ocean wave is a mechanical wave, since the water is the medium of the wave.

A mechanical wave is created when a source of energy causes?

Particles of the carrier medium to vibrate.

Why does a mechanical wave need a medium?

medium is the matter a wave trvels through

When waves travelling from one medium to another medium its speed changeswhy?

The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the mechanical properties of the medium. When the mechanical properties of the medium change, the speed of the mechanical wave changes as a result. The speed of an electromagnetic wave depends on the electrical properties of the medium. When the electrical properties of the medium change, the speed of the electromagnetic wave changes as a result.

Is a mechanical wave a sound wave?

Yes, a sound wave is a mechanical wave. Sound waves need a medium (like air) to travel through. The energy of the wave, the mechanical energy, is transferred into the medium through which it is propagated.

How are mechanic waves created?

A mechanical wave is created when an energy source causes a vibration to travel through a medium.