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mass x velocity = momentum

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Q: A 10-kg cannon ball and a 7-kg bowling ball were dropped at the same time from the top of a building with negligible air resistance At the instant before the balls hit the sidewalk the cannon ball?
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A tennis ball a bowling ball and a feather are dropped from the Empire State Building in New York City at the same time With respect to what you have learned about air resistance which object reac?

The bowling ball, because it's the heaviest and thus not as affected by air resistance

Where would a bowling ball and a napkin fall with different accelerations?

In a vacuum where there is no air resistance, both the bowling ball and the napkin would fall with the same acceleration due to gravity. However, in the presence of air resistance, the bowling ball, being more aerodynamic, would fall faster than the napkin.

F a tennis ball and a bowling ball are dropped from a 5 story building which one would land first?

if we ignore wind resistance they will land at the same time.

A cannon ball and a bowling ball were dropped at the same time from the top of a building At the instant before the balls hit the sidewalk the cannon ball had greater?

The cannon ball had greater speed due to its smaller surface area, which reduced air resistance compared to the bowling ball. As a result, the cannon ball experienced less of a force opposing its motion and was able to reach the ground with a higher velocity than the bowling ball.

True or false if you drop a feather and a bowling ball from a three story building at the same time the bowling ball hits the ground first?

False. In the absence of air resistance, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of their mass. This is known as the principle of equivalence and was famously demonstrated by Galileo.

What is the Bowling Green university in Toledo address?

Bowling Green State University is not in Toledo, Ohio - it is in Bowling Green, Ohio which is approximatley 30 miles south of Toledo. The mailing address is 907 Administration Building, Bowling Green OH 43403.

I am building a big game room bowling alley and adult club all in one building on 3 floors It's located in Buckhead GA what would you name it What are some cute fun and hot names?

bowling at Buckhead

What is a bowling alley square footage?

The building of the traditional bowling alley is about 1000 Sq feet. But now one can see more wast and wise bowling alleys in all over the world due to popularity and diversity of the game.

The inertia of a bowling ball is what the inertia of a basketball?

No, the inertia of a bowling ball is greater than the inertia of a basketball due to the bowling ball's larger mass. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its state of motion, and a heavier object like the bowling ball requires more force to accelerate or decelerate compared to the basketball.

Where would a bowling ball and a napkin with different accelerations?

from an airplane and from the top of the Empire State Building

Which exerts a gravitational force a baseball a football or a bowling ball?

A bowling ball since it has more mass. However, both the ping pong ball and the bowling ball are subjected to the same acceleration due to gravity, specifically 9.82 m s-2 and, neglecting air resistance, would fall at the same rate of speed.

A bowling ball and a bag of potato chips are dropped at the same time from a tall tower on Earth What happens?

The bowling ball will hit the ground fist not because it has more mass but because it is less affected by wind resistance [resistance to its movement through the air] If the effect of wind resistance where [somehow] negated they would hit the ground at the same time. [The bag of potato chips: Open or closed? Assumed closed for this answer]