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For one, New Orleans is a city of many different cultures and heritages with one of the most prominent ones being the french culture and heritage. The Fleur-De-Lis is of french origin meaning "Lily Flower" in English so naturally, that is one reason for the usage. Another reason is that their names are the "Saints" and the Fleur-De-Lis is used by many as a religious smybol. It sometimes represents The Holy Trinity and sometimes is associated with The Virgin Mary, so again, naturally it seemed to only make sense to use the Fleur-De-Lis as the logo.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Because of its french and religious background. New Orleans has a french and religious background and the religious part goes well with a team called the Saints.

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Q: Why do the saints use the fleur de lis as their symbol?
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What does the New Orleans Saints' logo mean?

The shape of the Saints logo is a fascinating piece of history. It consists of three small extensions on bottom extending down and out, then a small dividing belt, then three much larger extensions extending up and out. The space underneath the two large outward protruding arms, including the belt and the three smaller lower arms, are a result of the space on top of the Ark of the Covenant.The cherubim's wings - and the space in-between their wings and the mercy seat (the lid of the Ark) - create the shape of the lower part of the insignia, with the upper portion (the large three arms) symbolizing the radiant quality of the Ark.More input:It's extremely hard to draw. Since it is predominately a French Catholic symbol, the name "Saints" was fitting. The symbol is a fleur de lis which is prounounced floor-da-lee, which means a "lily flower." It is found everywhere in France, usually as a sign of royalty. See the Related Link below for more information.

Why was the Fleur-de-lis not chosen to be the Canadian flag?

Because that was the symbol of the French and the people searching for a new flag agreed that any new flag "must avoid the use of national or racial symbols that are of a divisive nature"

Is the use of the fleur di lis Corvette emblem copyrighted?

Logos and other marks used in trade are generally registered as trademarks. The Corvette logo described as "two flags connected at the base, one flag is a checkered flag and the other is a shaded flag with a bowtie design and a fleur-de-lis" is registered to General Motors.

What does fluer de lis symbolize?

The Fleur de Lys (flower of the lilly) is the symbol of French Royalty. It was supposidely presented to the first King of France (Clovis) by an Angel as a symbol of purification for his conversion to Christianity. In heraldry it was first used by king Louis VI who became the first monarch to use it on his shield. It is noteworthy that a few English kings used it later on their coats of arms to emphasize their claim to the throne of France.

What does the fleur-de-lis represent?

This symbol represents a stylized lily or Lotus flower. It has several meanings. It has been used to represent French Royalty signifying near perfection. An Angel presented the flower to Clovis, King of the Franks upon his conversion to Christianity. Louis V1 used it as a device on his shield and other clothing as a 'coat of arms' Joan of Arc carried it on a banner. The Catholic Church recognised it as a special emblem of thew Virgin Mary. The three petals has been used to represent the Holy Trinity. Parts of the US army use the Fleur de Lis to represent martial power and strength.

What is France's state flower?

On the former French emblems a stylized lily flower was figured. That "Fleur de lis" was an emblem of the French monarchy, so it is out of official use nowadays for the French state, but it still appears on some regions flags.

What is the plural form of Lis Pendens?

Lis pendens is considered a singular and plural version of the word. You would NOT spell it "lis pendenses" as the plural. You simply use the same word as singular and plural.

Why is the Fleur De Lis on the Chevy Corvette's logo?

This is a fantastic question and it took some research for me to get the truth about the Fleur De Lis. I wanted to know the answer myself as I had often wondered about that very thing. Here is the answer I found. Over the years, the Corvette has gone through many design changes; some subtle, some not so subtle. The Corvette's symbolic crossed flags emblem has also seen its fair number of changes. If you've taken a close look at the emblem over the five generations of Corvette, you'll notice that even though the design has changed dramatically from time to time, a few design cues remain. These include some form of a checkered flag and a bow-tie emblem. From time to time, a strange, maple leaf type of insignia, called a "fleur-de-lis" also shows up from time to time in the emblem. So what does all this mean and how did it get started? The original Corvette logo was designed by Robert Bartholomew, an interior designer at Chevrolet in 1953. This emblem was destined to appear on the 1953 Corvette prototype which was introduced to the public for the first time at New York's Waldorf-Astoria hotel in January of 1953. It had crossing staffs with the checkered flag on the right hand side, and the American flag on the left hand side. However, four days before the Corvette was to go on display at the show, Chevrolet management decided that it should be redesigned. The problem with the proposed emblem was that it included the American flag which is illegal to use on a commerical product. Right before the show, redesigned emblems were attached to the front hood and steering wheel of the Corvette. The new emblem contained the checkered flag on the right side as well as the white racing flag, red Chevrolet bow-tie symbol and a fleur-de-lis. Where did the fleur-de-lis come from? At the time, Chevrolet was conducting research on various emblem designs for the 1953 and 1954 passenger cars. They looked at the Louis Chevrolet family history in an attempt to discover a crest or some type of heraldry that they could utilize. Unfortunately, they came up empty, but they did realize that Chevrolet is a French name and the fleur-de-lis (flower of the lily) is a French symbol meaning peace and purity. They decided to use the fleur-de-lis along with the famous blue Chevrolet bow tie on a new flag which replaced the American flag on the Corvette. When the 1953 Corvette first appeared to the public at the Waldorf Historia Hotel, the redesigned emblems were in place. However, this emblem was temporary and used only for press photography at the show. A new emblem was designed prior to the 1953 Corvette going into production. If you're wondering what ever happened to the original 1953 Corvette emblem by Robert Bartholemew, it's currently on display at the National Corvette Museum!

In Yu-Gi-Oh can 'Chevalier de Fleur' use its effect?

Yes it can, but only on your turn.

What does Li represent?

This symbol represents a stylized lily or Lotus flower. It has several meanings. It has been used to represent French Royalty signifying near perfection. An Angel presented the flower to Clovis, King of the Franks upon his conversion to Christianity. Louis V1 used it as a device on his shield and other clothing as a 'coat of arms' Joan of Arc carried it on a banner. The Catholic Church recognised it as a special emblem of thew Virgin Mary. The three petals has been used to represent the Holy Trinity. Parts of the US Army use the Fleur de Lis to represent martial power and strength.

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You can create anyone you like