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Forwards more that half backs and backs find it essential to use some form of outer ear protection. This is because the high volumes of collisions that hit the out ear and the rubbing against fabric causes a condition nicknamed "Colly flower ear". This is the tissue in the ear becoming damaged continually and the soft tissue being replaced by scar tissue.

If you look at Tight head props, Hookers 2nd rows and number 8 players they more than most have both ears suffering damage as both sides and in contact in scums. Loosehead, open and blind side flankers have one ear more damaged than the other.

Its a subtle difference but it does become noticeable - Not all players suffer ear damage but like any other sport its comes with the territory

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

apart from dressings to support injury players will tape the jersey end's of the arm to stop opposing team players having more grip to hold them when passing or in a maul situation where the opposition will attempt to pull the hands away from the ball to gain possession

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Rugby players wear forearm guards as a protective gear. Generally, rugby is a very rough game which could result into various injuries.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The gloves help provide grip on the ball, especially in wet weather.

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Are volleyball players covering up something with tape?

Players might be using tape to cover their jewelry rather than take it off. So they may have tape on their ears of fingers. Players also use tape on their fingers. They may have an injury, or may be using the tape for additional support. Fingertips take a beating in volleyball, so many players tape their fingertips. This also helps when they are sliding on the floor to pancake the ball. Players might be using tape to cover their jewelry rather than take it off. So they may have tape on their ears of fingers. Players also use tape on their fingers. They may have an injury, or may be using the tape for additional support. Fingertips take a beating in volleyball, so many players tape their fingertips. This also helps when they are sliding on the floor to pancake the ball.

How do you tape your ears for rugby?

Many players now wear scrum caps to protect the ears and head. Taping of the ears is questionable. However, apply Vaseline to the out area of the ear and place a soft cause or cotton-wool over the ear. Ally the tape around the head, players usually use a medical stretch adhesive tape for this - The padding will stop the rubbing of the ear and will stop the tape sticking to the ear itself - Also seek medical advice as well as there are problems encountered with ear damage by many players

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