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To play the football soccer need sports wear, football, shin guard and goal post. And soccer shoes.
The basic equipment that all soccer players must use are: a shirt with sleeves, shorts, socks, shin guards, and shoes (usually cleats). Additionally, a goalkeeper may wear track suit bottoms as part of their basic equipment. No other items may be worn by any player on the field, unless that item serves a protective purpose and is not dangerous to the wearer or any other player or official. Examples include goalkeeper's gloves, ankle, knee, wrist, and elbow braces, and protective headgear.

Rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, snoods, and other items are expressly forbidden. Other items are allowed at the discretion of the referee if they meet the above criteria of purpose and safety. Undershorts and undershirts, if visible, must match the color of the garment under which they are worn.

Other equipment needed to play includes: a field that meets the requirements of Law 1 (note that goal nets are optional under the Laws, but are highly recommended and nearly always present, but corner flags are mandatory and a match cannot be played without them), one or more balls that meet the requirements of Law 2, and whatever equipment the referee needs (which he will bring himself). Additional equipment, such as a first-aid trainer's kit, water and snacks, a bench to sit on, are also usually helpful.
Shirt, shorts, long socks, shin guards, and cleats that dont have a toe cleat

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8y ago
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13y ago

You need safety gear.

Football helmet

shoulder pads

keen pads

thigh pads

tail bone pad

hip pads

mouth piece


are all must have for any football player

So other stuff a player may want to wear are


elbow pads

forearm pads


back plate

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13y ago

you need a cup, helmet, shoulder pads, knee pads, cleets, jersey, mouthpiece,

by, nasir smith

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13y ago

It's easy! all you need is a net a ball with any color hexagons and another net! you need cleats, chin guards, long soccer socks, and a shirt and shorts! I play soccer so i know! :)

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8y ago

You'll need shorts, t-shirt, soccer socks, soccer ball, shin guards, cleats, water incase you get thirsty.

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15y ago

shoulder pads,helmet,thigh pads,hip pads,knee pads,but pads,and a cup.

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17y ago

shirts,shorts,shinguards,socks,and cleats

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