

Writing: Plot and Setting

Elements of plot and setting include the flow of the story and where the story takes place. They are used in creative writing to inform the reader about the characters and to develop the conflict. Plot and setting are very important in story structure.

500 Questions

What is the falling action in to the wooden bowl?

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The falling action in a story is the series of events that occur after the climax, where tension decreases and the story starts to wrap up. In the context of a wooden bowl, the falling action could involve the bowl hitting the ground, rolling, or breaking depending on the situation.

What is the plot of meeting story?

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In a meeting story, the plot typically revolves around one or more characters coming together in a specific location to discuss a particular topic or issue. The story may focus on the interactions, conflicts, or resolutions that arise during the meeting, highlighting themes of communication, teamwork, and decision-making. Overall, the plot of a meeting story often centers on the dynamics and outcomes of the gathering itself.

Which plot description is the best example of a tragedy?

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A plot description where the protagonist's downfall is caused by a fatal flaw in their character or by external circumstances beyond their control, leading to suffering, loss, and a sense of inevitable doom, would be the best example of a tragedy.

Which plot development would best create suspense at this point in the story?

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Introducing a new unexpected character with unclear intentions who disrupts the main characters' plans and creates a sense of danger and uncertainty in the story.

Is this a plot or theme - A man learns that his love for a dolphin is more important to him than his career?

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Asked by Wiki User

This would be considered a plot rather than a theme. The plot refers to the specific events and actions that take place in a story, such as a man making a choice between his career and his love for a dolphin. The theme, on the other hand, would be the underlying message or moral of the story, which in this case could be about the importance of love and personal relationships over professional success.

What type of plot structure allows authors to come late to their own story?

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In media res plot structure allows authors to begin their story in the middle of the action, providing background information through flashbacks or exposition as needed. This approach creates immediate engagement and can surprise the audience by revealing important details later on in the narrative.

How is the theme of a story different from the summary of a story?

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The theme of a story is the main idea or underlying message that the author wants to convey, while the summary of a story is a brief description of the main events that happen in the story. In other words, the theme is the central idea or moral of the story, while the summary is a condensed version of the plot.

What is most likely to be the setting of a modernist work of literature?

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A modernist work of literature is most likely to be set in a time period reflecting the late 19th to mid-20th centuries, usually in urban environments experiencing rapid change and social upheaval. These settings often mirror the fragmented, complex, and uncertain nature of modern life.

What is a pitfall of having an anticlimax in a story?

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It leaves the reader unsatisfied with how the conflict was resolved

How does this excerpt from The First Seven Years by Bernard Malamud contribute to the story's plot?

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The excerpt provides background information about Feld, which helps to develop his character and motivations. It also establishes the conflict between Feld's desires for his daughter's future and her own desires, which sets up a central tension in the story. Lastly, the excerpt sets the stage for the progression of the plot by introducing the idea of Miriam's education and potential suitors.

How does the setting in the passage affect the plot?

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The setting in a passage can shape the plot by influencing the characters' actions and decisions. It can create obstacles or challenges that the characters must overcome, bringing tension and conflict to the story. Additionally, the setting can set the mood and tone of the narrative, impacting the overall atmosphere and pacing of the plot.

What are three examples of plots in movies books and TV shows used today?

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  1. A "chosen one" plot where a protagonist discovers they have a special destiny and must navigate challenges to fulfill it, seen in movies like "Harry Potter" and TV shows like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."
  2. A "love triangle" plot involving three characters entangled in romantic relationships, commonly found in books like "Twilight" and TV shows like "Grey's Anatomy."
  3. A "mystery solving" plot where characters work together to unravel a complex puzzle or crime, featured in movies like "Knives Out" and TV shows like "Sherlock."

What plot description is the best example of a tragedy?

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A tragedy typically involves a protagonist with a fatal flaw that leads to their downfall. An example could be Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," where the two lovers' families' feud ultimately results in their untimely deaths.

Is it true or false that the plot of a story centers on a conflict?

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True. The plot of a story typically revolves around a conflict, whether it be internal or external. Conflict drives the narrative forward by creating tension and obstacles for the characters to overcome.

Why would recognizing setting in one book be more important than in another?

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Recognizing setting in one book may be more important than in another based on how integral the setting is to the plot, themes, or character development in that specific book. In some books, setting plays a central role in shaping the story and characters, while in others, it may be more background or secondary to other elements. Understanding the significance of setting in each book can enhance the reader's appreciation and comprehension of the text.

What is the the topic of literary work?

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The topic of a literary work refers to the main subject or theme that the work explores. It is the overarching idea or concept that the author is trying to convey through their writing. Examples of literary work topics include love, betrayal, war, identity, and redemption.

How does characters affect the development of a theme?

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Characters play a crucial role in the development of a theme as they embody the ideas, conflicts, and values that drive the narrative forward. Through their actions, relationships, and growth, characters can provide insights into the themes of a story and help convey the author's message to the audience. Well-developed characters can bring depth and complexity to a theme, making it more relatable and impactful for readers.

How can you state the theme of a story?

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To state the theme of a story, identify the central message or underlying meaning that the author is trying to convey. Look for recurring ideas, symbols, or motifs that provide insight into the story's overall meaning. Consider the characters' experiences and how they reflect the theme. Finally, summarize the main idea in a brief sentence that captures the essence of the story's message.

What is a diagram in a story?

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A diagram in a story is a visual representation, typically used to illustrate or explain a concept, idea, or process. It can help readers better understand complex information by providing a clear and concise visual aid within the narrative.

What shows the order in which the plot of the story is usually struchered?

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The plot of a story is typically structured with an introduction that sets the scene and introduces the characters, followed by rising action where the conflict develops, leading to a climax or turning point, then falling action where the conflict is resolved, and finally a resolution that ties up loose ends and concludes the story. This structure is often referred to as Freytag's Pyramid.

Why is conflict a crucial element of all plots?

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Conflict is essential in plots because it drives the story forward by creating tension, engaging the audience, and allowing for character development. It presents obstacles for the protagonist to overcome, leading to growth and change. Ultimately, conflict adds depth and interest to the narrative, making it more compelling for the audience.

Does the setting affect the characters?

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Yes, the setting can greatly shape a character's experiences, attitudes, and actions. A character's environment, whether it's physical, cultural, or social, can influence their development, motivations, and relationships within the story.

How do setting time and sequence impact the audiences understanding of the plot?

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Setting time and sequence can impact the audience's understanding of the plot by providing context, creating suspense, and contributing to the overall narrative structure. A non-linear sequence, for example, can add complexity and intrigue to the story, while setting in a specific time period can help establish themes and enhance the audience's connection to the characters and events. Ultimately, the way time and sequence are manipulated can influence how the plot unfolds and how the audience interprets the story.

What does the setting help the reader know-?

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Asked by CesarLliguicotagp0894

The setting of a story helps the reader understand the time, place, and atmosphere in which the events are taking place. It can also provide context for the characters' actions and motivations, as well as contribute to the overall mood and tone of the narrative.