


Urban Legends

An urban legend is a type of modern folklore which includes stories perceived to be true by the teller. It is mainly circulated through the words of mouth and is sometimes repeated in news versions.

500 Questions

Did Thomas Crapper go to school?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no record of Thomas Crapper attending formal schooling beyond his apprenticeship as a plumber. He went on to establish a successful business as a sanitary engineer in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Are knuckles in or on your hand?

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Knuckles are the bony prominences on the top of your hand where fingers are attached.

Where did Thomas Crapper go to school?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive information on where Thomas Crapper went to school. He was an English plumber and businessman known for popularizing the modern flush toilet, but his educational background is not well-documented.

Did Richard gere have a gerbil removed from his anus?

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This is a well-known urban legend that has been widely debunked. There is no credible evidence to suggest that actor Richard Gere ever had a gerbil removed from his anus.

What is Carmen in Spanish?

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What is the meaning of La Union?

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Asked by Bamboo0918

"La Union" is Spanish for "The Union." It can refer to a place, such as the province in the Philippines, or to a concept of bringing together or uniting different elements.

What is tribalism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Tribalism refers to the strong loyalty and sense of identity individuals have towards a group, often based on common ancestry, culture, or beliefs. It can lead to the exclusion of outsiders and a strong us-versus-them mentality.

Is slender man a pedophile?

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Asked by Wiki User

Slender Man is a fictional character created on the internet, and there is no specific information or canonical depiction that portrays him as a pedophile. In the stories and lore created by various online communities, Slender Man is typically depicted as a mysterious and malevolent being that preys on individuals in various ways, but not specifically as a pedophile.

How was Morgan harrington murdered?

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Asked by Wiki User

Morgan Harrington was murdered by blunt force trauma to the head. Her remains were found three months after she went missing in a farm in Albemarle County, Virginia. The exact circumstances leading to her death remain under investigation.

Is it harmful to crack your knuckles?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cracking your knuckles may not cause arthritis, but it can lead to reduced grip strength and swelling in some cases. Frequent knuckle cracking may also weaken the ligaments surrounding the joints over time.

Is Carmen winstead a criminal?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no evidence to suggest that Carmen Winstead is a criminal. The story of Carmen Winstead is considered an urban legend and has been debunked as a fictional tale.

What school did Carmen go to pushed down sewer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carmen attended Riverdale High School before being pushed down a sewer in the TV show "Riverdale."

Will my knuckles go back to normal if I stop cracking them or is it too late?

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Asked by KittOne

If you stop cracking your knuckles, they may eventually return to their normal state. Continued cracking can lead to joint inflammation and reduced grip strength over time, so it's best to avoid the habit to prevent long-term damage.

Who killed Carmen the sewer girl?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carmen the sewer girl was killed by the character Don Jose in the opera "Carmen" by Georges Bizet. Don Jose becomes consumed by jealousy and rage, leading him to commit the murder in a fit of passion.

Where was Carmen killed?

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Asked by Wiki User

October 2006, the spooky story about a teen killed by a fall into a sewer after five other girls shoved her began circulating in e-mail and on MySpace.

No adolescent girl named Carmen Winstead or Jessica Smith died in such fashion, in Indiana, or in any other U.S. state "about six years ago" (i.e., around 2000). We searched for news reports about such a death and found none. This tale is nothing but fiction, a typical chain letter.

Was Jared Morgan murdered by Carmen Winstead?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no credible evidence to support the claim that Carmen Winstead murdered Jared Morgan. The story of Carmen Winstead circulated as an urban legend and is not based on real events. It is important to be cautious of false information or rumors on the internet.

Does cracking knuckles cause arthritus?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis. The sound comes from small pockets of gas in the joint releasing. Studies have not found a direct link between knuckle cracking and arthritis.

How awesome is crezza?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crezza is a fantastic tool for optimizing performance in various ways, including user engagement, customer support, and interactive experiences. Its versatility allows for customization to suit different business needs, making it a valuable asset for organizations looking to enhance customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Does cracking your knuckles shorten your fingers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, cracking your knuckles does not shorten your fingers. The sound you hear when cracking your knuckles is caused by gas bubbles in the synovial fluid within your joints. There is no evidence to suggest that cracking your knuckles has any long-term effects on the length of your fingers.

Is cracking your knuckles a sign of aggression?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, cracking your knuckles is not typically a sign of aggression. It is often a habit that some people have and is usually harmless. It does not have a direct link to aggression.

Why do Bloods and Crips wear Black bandanas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bloods typically wear red bandanas, while Crips wear blue bandanas. The colors are associated with the respective gang affiliations to signify membership and loyalty. Wearing bandanas of different colors can lead to misunderstanding and conflict between the two rival gangs.

How globalisation hinder or support development in Africa?

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Asked by Wiki User

Globalization can both hinder and support development in Africa. On one hand, globalization can lead to exploitation of resources, widening income inequality, and loss of local culture. On the other hand, it can bring in investments, technology transfer, access to global markets, and opportunities for economic growth. It is essential for African countries to manage globalization effectively by developing policies that maximize the benefits and minimize the negative impacts.

What gang does gangster disiple come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Gangster Disciples is a Chicago-based gang that originated from the South Side of Chicago in the 1960s. It was formed by Larry Hoover and David Barksdale merging their respective gangs.

What does 'Fornication Under Consent of the King' mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

The phrase "Fornication Under Consent of the King" is a humorous backronym for the word "fuck." The idea is that if someone was caught engaging in sexual activity, they could claim they had the king's permission to do so, as a way to avoid punishment. It is not a historically accurate practice.

What is an epocolipse?

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Asked by Wiki User

It seems like there may be a typo in your question. Did you mean "apocalypse"? If so, an apocalypse refers to a catastrophic event that leads to widespread destruction or the end of the world in various religious beliefs and cultural traditions.