

The Difference Between

Ever wanted to know the difference between a boysenberry and a blueberry? socialism and communism? Windows and Linux? Look no further. This category answers your questions about 'The Differences Between...'

500 Questions

What is the differene between power and authority?

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Asked by Wiki User

Power is the ability to influence others and control resources, while authority is the right to make decisions and give commands that are legally or socially recognized. Power can be gained through personal characteristics or relationships, whereas authority is often granted through a formal position or role.

What is the difference between federal and provincial?

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Asked by Wiki User

Federal refers to the entire country or nation, while provincial refers to individual states or regions within a country. In a federal system, power is shared between the central government (federal) and regional governments (provincial). Each province typically has its own government and authority over certain areas such as education and healthcare.

What is the difference between push and pull factors?

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Asked by Wiki User

Push factors are reasons that force people to leave their current location, such as poverty or political instability. Pull factors are reasons that attract people to a new location, such as job opportunities or a higher quality of life. Essentially, push factors push people away from a place, while pull factors pull them towards another place.

What is the difference between annuity and pension?

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An annuity is a financial product that provides a series of payments in exchange for a lump sum or periodic contributions, typically used for retirement income. A pension is a retirement plan provided by an employer that pays a specific benefit for an employee upon retirement, usually based on salary and years of service. In essence, an annuity is a type of investment product, while a pension is a form of retirement benefit provided by an employer.

What are examples of discriminative listening?

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Asked by Wiki User

Examples of discriminative listening include listening to differences in pronunciations, tones, and pitches in language learning, recognizing and interpreting nonverbal cues in interpersonal communication, and distinguishing between various instruments in music.

What is the difference between talk and speak?

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Asked by 06lvinue

"Talk" is a more general term that implies a conversational exchange between two or more people. "Speak" is more specific, often implying a one-way communication involving an individual expressing thoughts or ideas verbally.

What is the difference between the red state and the blue state?

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Asked by Wiki User

The terms "red state" and "blue state" typically refer to states that are traditionally associated with the Republican Party (red state) and Democratic Party (blue state), respectively. These terms are commonly used in relation to U.S. presidential elections to indicate the political leaning of a state based on its electoral votes.

What is the difference between a delegate and a representative?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general terms, a delegate is someone who is appointed to represent others or a specific group, such as in a conference or meeting. A representative is someone who is elected to act on behalf of a larger group, such as constituents in a government body like a legislature.

What is the difference between a bill and veto?

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Asked by Wiki User

A bill is proposed legislation that must pass through the steps of the legislative process to become law. A veto is when the president or governor rejects a bill, preventing it from becoming law unless overridden by a certain majority in the legislative body.

What are the differences between the politic systems between the US and the USSR?

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Asked by Wiki User

The US has a democratic system with separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, and a capitalist economy. The USSR had a communist system with a single-party rule, state ownership of industries, and a centrally planned economy. The US emphasized individual rights and freedoms, while the USSR focused on collective ownership and equality.

What is the differents between bacterial laryngitis and viral laryngitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

To understand the difference between bacterial laryngitis and viral, we must first have a good understanding of the difference between bacteria and viruses. Bacteria are living single celled-organisms that can live outside of a living host and multiply on surfaces such as telephones, door handles, counters, etc. Bacteria infect a host and reproduce in order to multiply. Viruses are non-living organisms that infect a host and then "reprogram" the host's cells to do the job of producing more virus. The difference between bacterial laryngitis and viral laryngitis, is bacterial laryngitis is not systemic, meaning that it only attacks one area of the body particularly the larynx (voice box) or immediate surrounding areas of the throat. Whereas viral laryngitis is systemic meaning that it causes other symptoms such as runny nose, congestion, sneezing, coughing, etc. The more "cold-like" symptoms you have, the less likely you are to have the bacterial version of laryngitis. Also, the presence of a fever points more towards bacterial laryngitis than viral. Bacterial laryngitis is highly contagious where viral is not. Bacterial laryngitis can be spread very easily to others because it is an airborne bacteria. So if you suspect that you have the bacterial version of laryngitis, stay away from others and take precautions such as washing your hands and using antibacterial hand sanitizers. The treatment of viral laryngitis is lots of hot, clear fluids such as tea and chicken broth and plenty of rest. Whereas the treatment of bacterial laryngitis is antibiotics perscribed from your doctor.

Distinguish between monosynptic and polysynaptic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Monosynaptic pathways involve a single synapse between sensory and motor neurons, resulting in a direct and fast response. Polysynaptic pathways involve multiple synapses and interneurons, allowing for more complex and coordinated responses involving sensory integration and modulation before reaching the motor output.

What are the differences between modernization and globalization?

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Asked by Wiki User

Modernization refers to the process of societies implementing new technologies and practices to improve living standards and economic development within their own borders. On the other hand, globalization involves the interconnectedness of nations through the exchange of goods, services, ideas, and cultures across borders, leading to increased interdependence and integration on a global scale. While modernization focuses on internal improvements within a society, globalization emphasizes the interconnectedness and interdependency of countries worldwide.

What was the life expectancy in 17th century Europe?

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Asked by Wiki User

If one excludes infant mortality (i.e. if you don't count children who died before their 1st birthday when computing the average), life expectancy would be about 40, with those in the upper classes gaining perhaps as much as 10 years more.

If one include infant mortality in the calculation, reduce the above numbers by almost 10 years.

Difference between science and political science?

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Asked by Wiki User

Science is a systematic study of the natural world through observation and experimentation to understand and explain phenomena. Political science, on the other hand, is a social science that focuses on the theory and practice of politics, government, and political behavior. While science primarily deals with natural processes, political science examines human behavior, institutions, and power dynamics in societies.

What is the difference between dans and au in French?

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Asked by Sophiaviva

"Dans" is used to express being inside a physical location, whereas "au" is a contraction of "à + le" and is used to indicate movement or direction towards a specific place.

Your boss is a bully you want to leave how do you do this?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try to have a candid conversation with HR about the situation and see if they can help mediate. If that doesn't work, start looking for other job opportunities and network with contacts in your industry for potential leads. It's important to prioritize your well-being and mental health above all else.

When is a human eye fully developed?

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Asked by Wiki User

A human eye is typically fully developed by the age of seven. However, vision and eye coordination continue to mature throughout childhood and into early adulthood.

Why is life short?

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Asked by Wiki User

Life is not short. Life is endless. Please refer with Bible. Reference: Matthew 5:3; 19:29, Malachi 3:15-18. The Bible just says about the LIFE. God bless You.


Mortal life is 72yrs (exceptions of course: younger or older), but, that's

what God said.

Eternal life with Jesus comes as you accept Him as your Savior.

What is the difference between a senior and senile?

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Asked by Wiki User

A senior refers to someone who is older in age or more experienced in a particular field. Senile, on the other hand, refers to a condition characterized by deteriorating mental abilities often associated with old age.

What is the difference between structural grammar and transformational grammar?

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Asked by Wiki User

Structural grammar focuses on analyzing the structure of sentences based on their constituent parts, such as subject, verb, and object. Transformational grammar, on the other hand, considers how sentences can be transformed from one form to another through rules and operations, such as passive and active voice transformations. Transformational grammar goes beyond just analyzing structure to explain how different forms are related.

What is the difference between structure and function and the relationship between them?

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Asked by Wiki User

Structure refers to the physical characteristics or arrangement of components, while function refers to the purpose or role of those components. The relationship between structure and function is that the structure of an object or organism often determines its function - the way something is built or organized influences how it works or what it does. For example, the shape of a bird's wings is structured for flight, which is its function.

What is the difference between whomever and whoever?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Whoever" is in the subjective case, meaning it refers to or takes the place of the subject in the sentence. For example, the following sentence is correct: Whoever ate my pie is going to be sorry! "Whoever" refers to the subject of the sentence. On the other hand, "whomever" is considered in the objective case, meaning it often represent the object of a verb, infinitive, etc. For example, the following sentence is correct: I will give a prize to whomever can guess the correct answer. Here, "whomever" is acting as the object of the infinitive "to".

When deciding which to use, you can often substitute "he" or "she" for "whoever" and "him" or "her" for "whomever". For example, you can answer the first sentence by saying "He ate my pie." You would not say "Him ate my pie." The second sentence, you would say "I will give a prize to him." Not "I will give a prize to he."

Play around with the concept for a while until you get it!

Patriot vs Loyalist?

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Asked by Wiki User

During the American Revolutionary War, Patriots were colonists who supported independence from Britain, while Loyalists were colonists who remained loyal to the British crown and opposed rebellion. The conflict between Patriots and Loyalists reflected the broader struggle for independence and loyalty to Britain. Ultimately, the Patriots emerged victorious, leading to the formation of the United States.

What is the difference between private sector public sector?

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The private sector consists of businesses and organizations that are privately owned and operated for profit, while the public sector includes government-owned and operated organizations that provide public services. Private sector companies aim to generate profit and are driven by market competition, while public sector organizations focus on providing services to the public.