



The Thanksgiving holiday or celebration is in fact celebrated in many countries. Thanksgiving is essentially a harvest related festival and celebrates the harvest when it is completed and the work is done. Worldwide, harvest celebrations are observed with different names and at different times depending on the harvest season of the country. Ask questions here about the origin and traditions surrounding Thanksgiving such as foods served, giving thanks, and parades.

500 Questions

How do you write a acrostic poem using the word fertilizer?

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Form an acrostic poem by using the letters of the word fertilizer to start each line. For example: Fertile soil enriched, In springtime blooms emerge, Loam nourished with care, Irrigate, watch it flourish, Zeal for growth never fades, Eager gardeners sow its grace, Raising plants with bountiful embrace.

How many pounds did the largest pumpkin ever grown weigh?

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The largest pumpkin ever grown weighed 2,624.6 pounds. It was grown by Mathias Willemijns in Belgium in 2016.

Who was the magazine editor who campaigned to make Thanksgiving a holiday?

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Sarah Josepha Hale, the editor of Godey's Lady's Book, campaigned for 17 years to make Thanksgiving a national holiday. Her efforts eventually led to President Abraham Lincoln proclaiming Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863.

What is Nadia relationship with Noah in the view from Saturday?

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Nadia is Noah's second cousin. They are part of the same team, along with Ethan and Julian, in the sixth-grade Academic Bowl competition in the book "The View from Saturday" by E.L. Konigsburg. Nadia and Noah develop a close friendship as they work together on the Academic Bowl team.

Is there always a Friday after Thanksgiving?

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no, in the US black Friday follows thanksgiving, but in Canada it is on a Sunday or a monday. one of the two

Yummy sauce to pour over turkey during Thanksgiving?

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Cranberry sauce goes together with a traditional Thanksgiving turkey and dressing dinner.

How do you give a vote of thanks after a church harvest and thanksgiving?

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There are many ways to give thanks for a church Harvest and Thanksgiving. One could simply say how thankful they are for everything they have been granted, for everyone who had been able to attend, the good health of their family and friends, and so much more. It is generally best to put some thought into it, and say the things that they are generally happy and grateful for.

Is Sizzler open Thanksgiving Day?

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The availability of Sizzler being open on Thanksgiving Day may vary depending on the location. It is recommended to contact your local Sizzler restaurant to inquire about their operating hours on Thanksgiving Day.

What is the Thanksgiving fruit basket called?

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The Thanksgiving Fruit Basket I believe you are looking for is the Cornucopia. It also referred to as a horn of plenty or harvest cone. It is usually layed on its side with lots of fruit spilling out the front.

How is the actual data of the thanksgiving holiday determined?

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The actual data of the Thanksgiving holiday is determined by the United States federal government. The date is set by an official proclamation from the President, in consultation with Congress, declaring the fourth Thursday in November as the day to celebrate Thanksgiving. This proclamation is typically issued in late October or early November.

What is Low grade humor concerning thanksgiving?

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Low grade humor concerning Thanksgiving refers to jokes or comedic content that is considered to be cheap or lacking wit or cleverness. This type of humor may involve basic and predictable jokes about turkey, overeating, or family dynamics during the holiday. It often relies on simple puns or obvious punchlines, resulting in humor that is generally considered to be low-quality or unoriginal.

Why was Thanksgiving special?

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Thanksgiving is special because it is a holiday dedicated to expressing gratitude and being with loved ones. It is a time when people come together to share a festive meal and reflect on the blessings in their lives. Additionally, it has historical significance as a celebration of the first successful harvest by the Pilgrims in America.

What are Thanksgiving colors?

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The traditional colors associated with Thanksgiving are warm, earthy tones such as orange, brown, and yellow. These colors are often seen in the fall foliage and harvest-inspired decorations. Additionally, rich shades of red and burgundy can also be incorporated to evoke a cozy and festive atmosphere.

Is it a Thanksgiving tradition to give out presents to your family?

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Asked by Candyrox309

No, giving out presents is not a traditional part of Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a holiday focused on gratitude and expressing appreciation for what we have, rather than exchanging gifts. However, some families may choose to give small tokens of appreciation or host gift exchanges as part of their personal holiday traditions.

Did anybody else join the pilgrims for thanksgiving?

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Yes, the Wampanoag Native Americans joined the Pilgrims for the first Thanksgiving celebration. They played a crucial role in helping the Pilgrims with farming, hunting, and fishing, and they also brought food to share. The celebration was a way to give thanks for a successful harvest and to foster goodwill and friendship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag.

Where is macy Thanksgiving day parde?

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The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade typically takes place in New York City. The parade route begins at 77th Street and Central Park West, and it continues down Central Park West, turning onto Columbus Circle, then onto Sixth Avenue, and finally ending at Macy's Herald Square on 34th Street. However, please note that parade details and locations can change, so it's best to check for the most updated information.

Who lead the crusade to establish thanksgiving day?

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The crusade to establish Thanksgiving Day was led by Sarah Josepha Hale, an American writer and editor. She campaigned for a national day of thanks for many years, writing letters to multiple presidents, including Abraham Lincoln. In 1863, Lincoln heeded her request and proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday.

What two played on Thanksgiving day in 1934?

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The two teams that played on Thanksgiving day in 1934 were the Detroit Lions and the Chicago Bears. This game was the first ever Thanksgiving Day game for the Lions.

Is there school the day after Thanksgiving?

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It depends on the school and the district's schedule. Some schools may have the day off after Thanksgiving, while others may have classes as usual. It's best to check with your specific school or district for their schedule.

How do you say Happy Thanksgiving in Lebanese?

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Answer -how to say thank you in lebanesein Lebanon you must answer "Merci" like in France, "Merci kteer " means thank you very much....

shukran is mostly used in Arabic countries...Lebanon was strongly influenced by french...also good morning is "Bonjour" and the answer is "Bonjourein"...true lebanese ;)

actually to be more lebanese-specific, you could also say "yislamo"


How many pounds of shredded turkey for 200 people?

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It really depends on how you plan on serving it.

Most restaurants use either a 4 or 5 ounce portion on their sandwiches and or salads. So in that case you would need 62.5 pounds for 5 ounce or 50 pounds for 4 ounce.

If you plan on serving it like carved turkey, plan on 6 - 7 ounces per person. So in that case, you'll need about 82 pounds of turkey.

This is cooked, cleaned, and deboned weight.

What part of a turkey is saved and snapped as a superstitious good luck custom?

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The wish bone in the chest is saved and dried and then held at either end by separate parties and pulled while making a wish. Whoever gets the largest half will have their wish granted; or so they say.