


A stereotype is "a conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image." Stereotypes are based on prior assumptions and often applied to whole groups.

500 Questions

Describe three mechanisms that help explain why stereotypes are maintained even when people are presented with stereotype-inconsistent information?

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Asked by Ladysmile

  1. Confirmation bias: People tend to seek information that confirms their existing beliefs and stereotypes, while ignoring or discounting information that does not align with their beliefs. This bias leads individuals to selectively process and remember stereotype-reinforcing information.

  2. Cognitive dissonance: When people encounter stereotype-inconsistent information, it creates a psychological discomfort. To reduce this discomfort, individuals may either reject the information, reinterpret it to fit their existing stereotypes, or avoid situations that challenge their beliefs.

  3. Stereotype threat: When individuals are aware of negative stereotypes associated with their social group, they may feel pressured to conform to those stereotypes. This pressure can lead to performance anxiety and a self-fulfilling prophecy, where individuals end up behaving in ways that align with the stereotype, thus maintaining it.

How do you prevent prejudice?

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Asked by Wiki User

To prevent prejudice, it is important to educate oneself about different cultures and beliefs, engage in open-minded conversations with people from diverse backgrounds, and challenge stereotypes and biases. Building empathy and showing respect towards others can also help reduce prejudice.

What the opposited of stereotype?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Countertype

"a representation that challenges traditional stereotype associations of a group, people or places."

Why stereotyping is a problem?

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Asked by Wiki User

People are encouraged to judge others based on unfounded beliefs about certain groups of people. -Apex

What stereotypes or jokes exist about New Zealanders?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some people view the rapid multiculturalism as detrimental to the national identity, and are concerned that New Zealand culture will somehow become diluted by the other cultures entering the country.

A lot of money goes toward aiding the assimilation (finding jobs, healthcare, education etc.) of internationals, with some people thinking this money would be better spent on existing citizens.

How do stereotype relate to prejudice?

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Asked by Wiki User

prejudice assumptions can be made about a certain group of people due to stereotyping, because some people may think that stereotyping is an accurate way to understand and/or meet the needs of particular groups of people.

this is based on the fact that if someone perceives somebody under a stereotype they feel to be accurate, then they will most likely change their behaviour towards them and it's very likely that behaviour will be riddled with prejudice.

What are stereotypes of France?

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Asked by Wiki User

French POV, of English stereotypes about the FrenchIt is a common stereotype that the French are dressed in working clothes, yet always wearing a beret. They are always pictured to have a loaf of bread tucked underneath their arm, and are often found eating escargot (snails) and frog legs. It is also a stereotype that French workers have an habit of demonstrating, protesting, and take industrial action. And for some reason, it is assumed that the French have a lot of free time.

English POV, of stereotypes about the FrenchSome English/American stereotypes of the French include the thought that they always smell, they surrender at the first sign of conflict, they are snobby, and that their women don't shave.

In which situation is racial stereotyping taking place?

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Asked by Wiki User

Asian women are seen as bad drivers

What are common stereotypes about religious beliefs?

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Asked by Wiki User

here's one: Seventh Day Adventists are all apart of a cult. Not true. If you look up the word cult, the object of such devotion. ( then i guess you could say they are a cult, but only because they believe in Jesus who came to die for them and God who sent his son Jesus. If you say they are one, then you must say all Christians are one too, because SDA's are Christian. They just believe that the 7th day (Saturday) is the sabbath that is mentioned in the Bible in Exodus 20. and many other places in the Bible such as in Exodus 16 where God gave manna to the people of Isral and told them in verse 23 to gather extra because there wouldn't be any Sabbath.

Another one: All Seventh Day Adventists are vegetarians. No, it is true that they strive to not eat meat, but it is not against their religion to eat meat, and many do.

What are some common stereotypes about Tongans?

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Asked by Wiki User

NONE. Well, some of us don't eat horse, but most people are to scared to make one.

What are biases and stereotypes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biases are dispositions against or toward someone or something whereas stereotypes represent one culture's or group's interpretation of another's expected appearance and behavior. At their most innocuous, a bias can be a preference for a certain color of clothes while a stereotype can be an understanding of another culture or group as being fast- or slow-moving or talking.

How do you use stereotype?

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Asked by Wiki User

A stereotype is a traditional conviction or image. This can be a good or bad thing. Here are some sentences.

  • You dislike those people based on a stereotype when you should judge them individually.
  • He seemed the very stereotype of the school jock.
  • She hated the stereotype of the scholarly old maid, but she was 35 and unmarried, and she worked in the library.

In the 1800s, there was a stereotype of the woman's role in society.

Although he wears glasses, he is nothing like the stereotype of a nerd.

What would it take to change you attitude about a stereotype?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't know for sure but I think this is right. You can change it by showing that person these people and they would change there mind.

That's what I think.

What are stereotypes of Korean people?

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Asked by Wiki User

True Koreans are FOBs
They're cooool :)

What were the stereotypes that the English had about the American colonies?

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Asked by Wiki User

The British thought of the American colonies lower than pesants. They saw them more as indentured servants.

What are common stereotypes about the tall?

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Asked by Wiki User

they wuld think dat you wuld play basketball!!!DUHHHH

What stereotypes were often applied to people living in the south?

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Asked by Wiki User

-They have accents

-They all live on farms

-The girls are blonde and stupid (Belles, they're called)

-They have farmer's tans

-They don't have any big cities

-They can ride horses really early in life

-They swim in creeks before they can walk

Now I was born in the south and I know this stuff isn't true, but that's what some of my Northern friends think.

Why is it wrong to stereotype Native Americans?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's wrong to stereotype any group of people. Stereotyping perpetuates myths and ignorance. It also prohibits getting to really know people as individuals. For the American Indian, stereotyping can be hurtful (as in sports teams logos), it stops people from understanding that American Indians history, culture, beliefs, looks, living conditions, language etc. vary from tribe to tribe and even clan to clan. There IS no real standard for who the American Indian is.

Why is there a stereotype of feminists hating men?

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Asked by Wiki User

Probably to make themselves look better.

What is the difference between racism and stereotyping?

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Asked by Wiki User

Biases are the opinions or beliefs that affect a person's ability to make a particular, objective and fair judgment or decision . In short, bias is personal opinion to a particular thing.

Stereotypes are oversimplified opinions that do not account for individual differences.

What are stereotypes of senior citizens?

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Asked by Tikkinae

Here's some concerning politics:

In the United States, they're more eager to vote/vote more than other demographics.

They vote for the conservative side and oppose the liberal side.

They're republicans.

They're more politically active.

They only vote for their party.

What does stereotyping feel like?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's generally pretty funny. Don't do it to someone who get's easily offended though.

Why would an author use stereotypes?

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Asked by Wiki User

That author might have a biased view-point on his subject. Or, maybe he is just comparing or he is saying how they effect everyday life and other things.