


Respiratory System

The respiratory system includes the lungs and the airway. The questions in this category focus mainly on the anatomical and physiological processes associated with breathing.

500 Questions

What happens if you hold a kiss to long?

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If you hold a kiss too long, it might become uncomfortable for both parties involved. People may need to take breaks to breathe, and extended kissing can also lead to jaw fatigue. It's important to communicate with your partner and take breaks as needed to ensure a pleasant experience for both.

What is the medical definition for adenoid hypertrophy?

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Asked by Msrobertson52

Adenoid hypertrophy is the abnormal enlargement of the adenoid glands located in the back of the nose and throat. This condition can obstruct the airway, leading to symptoms such as difficulty breathing, snoring, and recurrent sinus or ear infections. Treatment may involve medications, surgical removal of the adenoids, or other interventions depending on the severity of symptoms.

What is the medical term meaning voicebox?

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The proper name for the voice box is the larynx and it connects the pharynx to the trachea. Pitch and volume are controlled here by manipulating the vocal chords, you wouldn't be able to speak without one.

The voicebox is also known as the larynx, across which the vocal cords -- the structures responsible for sound production during phonation -- are stretched.

Respiratory disorder in the neonate?

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Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) is a common respiratory disorder in neonates, especially premature babies. It is caused by immature lung development and lack of surfactant, resulting in breathing difficulties. Treatment may include oxygen therapy, mechanical ventilation, and surfactant replacement therapy.

What does 'the diaphragm and sulci are intact' mean on a medical report?

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Sulci is plural for a groove or fissure. A diaphragm is a muscle under the lungs that helps with berating. The statement, the diaphragm and sulci are intact, means that they are not damaged.

What is the medical term meaning Thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract?

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The medical term for thin hairs attached to the mucous membrane lining the respiratory tract is "cilia." Cilia help to move mucus and foreign particles out of the airways to keep the respiratory system healthy and functioning properly.

An acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of the larynx hoarseness and a barking cough is known as?

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Croup. It is usually caused by a viral infection that leads to swelling around the vocal cords and windpipe, resulting in difficulty breathing and the characteristic barking cough. Treatment may involve humidified air and, in severe cases, medications to reduce swelling and inflammation.

What is the term for acute obstruction of the larynx?

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The term for acute obstruction of the larynx is "laryngeal obstruction" or "laryngeal edema." This can lead to difficulty breathing and require immediate medical attention to prevent a life-threatening situation.

What is the medical term meaning air-filled cavities in the bones around the nose?

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The medical term is "paranasal sinuses." These are air-filled cavities located within the bones surrounding the nasal cavity. They are important for natural drainage and humidifying the air we breathe.

What are the divisions of the lungs called?

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The divisions of the lungs are called lobes. The right lung has three lobes (upper, middle, lower), while the left lung has two lobes (upper and lower).

What are essential cells of the lung performing its main function are the pulmonary?

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The essential cells of the lung that perform its main function are the alveolar cells, including type 1 pneumocytes for gas exchange and type 2 pneumocytes for surfactant production. Other important cells include macrophages for immune defense and ciliated epithelial cells for airway clearance.

What does URI stand for?

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Uniform Resource Identifier, Upper Respiratory Infection and many more

An upper respiratory infection is an infection of the upper respiratory tract such as the common cold, laryngitis, sinusitis, and tonsilitis.

Which system help the respiratory system?

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The Respiratory System regulates breathing and gas exchanges within an organism. In humans, this system includes the lungs, airways, and respiratory muscles.

What is the respiratory organ of a whale?

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Whales are mammals, so they have lungs.

What are parts of the respriratory system?

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Lungs , trachea , larynx ,nasal cavities . Pharynx is common with digestive system .

How does the chimpanzee do respiration?

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The chinchilla receives oxygen through an opening in the anal cavity and CO2 is expelled through the nasal cavity.

How do vulture breathe?

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Like all birds, vultures have a respiratory system composed of lungs (functionally similar to what humans have, although the structure is very different) and a system of air sacs that allows additional oxygen absorption. Vultures inhale to draw in fresh oxygen-rich air and exhale to get rid of carbon dioxide-rich air.

What is so unique about a bird's respiratory system that makes them able to fly?

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As far as I know there is nothing special in the respiratory system of a bird that enables flight. I was taught that a massive keel shaped breast-bone with huge pectoral muscles attached to wings did it, but I would be happy to be corrected.

Trace the path of air through the respiratory system in frogs?

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Asked by Wiki User

it goes through the ndhuethy first and then the air goes through the ferstahjd and then the air comes out of the ear, breathing out carbon dioxide. This is the answer

Do sharks have a respiratory system?

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One difference is that sharks have a much shorter intestine because their food goes through a spiral valve that rotates it multiple times until it's fully digested.

How did the respiratory system change during the development from amphibians to mammals?

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There are a number of ways in which the respiratory system has changed during the development of amphibians. Their respiratory system developed in such a way that they need more oxygen than they used to.

Where does the oxygen you breathe come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

ANSWER: from plants, plants give of oxygen that we need and we breathe out carbon dioxide(Co2) and that's what plants need
When a plant does phoyosynthesis it lets out oxygen when it is done.

What is the respiratory system of giraffe?

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Asked by Wiki User

The respiratory evaporative water loss is very small.body temperature is labile with a range of at least 3.3 degrees c.Well pretty much like ours we breathe about the same way. (i acutally don't know my stupid brother told me this)(hehehehehe)