

Periods Exclamation Points and Question Marks

Periods, exclamation points and question marks are punctuation marks used to end a sentence. A period closes a sentence; an exclamation point conveys strong emotion; while a question mark states an inquiry.

500 Questions

How do you use a period to clarify a sentence?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can use a period to create a clear and concise separation between independent clauses or to end a sentence. This can help to prevent run-on sentences and make the meaning of each sentence clearer for the reader.

Grammar When is period put inside quotes?

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Asked by Wiki User

In American English, periods are typically placed inside quotation marks at the end of a sentence. However, in British English, the period is placed outside the quotation marks unless it is part of the quoted material.

'The house is on fire' should this sentence end with a period are a exclamation point instead?

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This sentence would most likely end in an exclamation mark because the person saying it is probably pretty upset and alarmed that the house is, indeed, on fire.

A sentence with the word quest?

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The brave knight embarked on a daring quest to rescue the princess from the dragon's lair.

If you end a sentence with an abbreviation do you place an additional period after it?

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No, you do not need to place an additional period after an abbreviation if the abbreviation already includes a period at the end, like "etc.". Just use one period to end the sentence.

What is the purpose of a question mark?

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A question mark is used at the end of a sentence to indicate that it is a question. It helps convey the tone and intention of the sentence, prompting a response from the reader or listener.

When do you use two periods after a sentence?

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Asked by Rosehollis

Two periods after a sentence are used to indicate an intentional pause or hesitation in speech, known as a "hesitation marker." This is common in informal writing or chat conversations when trying to convey a more casual or uncertain tone. However, it is not considered standard practice in formal writing.

Can you use an exclamation mark and an question mark at the end of a sentence?

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No, it is not grammatically correct to use both an exclamation mark and a question mark at the end of the same sentence. Choose one or the other based on the intended tone of the sentence.

What are sentences that end in periods called?

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Sentences that end in periods are called declarative sentences. These are statements that convey information or make a statement.

Do a period comes after a question mark?

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No, a period does not come after a question mark in a sentence. The use of a question mark indicates the end of an interrogative sentence, while a period is used to end a declarative sentence.

What are opened ended sentences?

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Open-ended sentences are statements or questions that do not have a specific end or limit, allowing for more detailed responses and encouraging conversation to continue. They prompt the listener to provide a more elaborate answer rather than a simple yes or no. These sentences are commonly used in interviews, surveys, and conversations to encourage thoughtful responses.

Do you type two spaces at the end of a sentence?

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No, I don't. Only one space is typically used at the end of a sentence in modern formatting guidelines.

What is a period in a sentence used for?

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A period is used at the end of a sentence to indicate a full stop or completion of a thought. It helps separate sentences to make writing clearer and more structured.

When ending the sentence with L.L.C. do I also add a period at the end of the sentence?

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Yes, you should add a period at the end of the sentence when using "L.L.C." to indicate that it is an abbreviation for "Limited Liability Company." This helps to denote the end of the sentence clearly.

What does it mean when a sentence is ended with a string of periods?

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Ending a sentence with a string of periods, known as an ellipsis, indicates an omission of words or a pause in speech. It can convey hesitation, trailing off, or inviting the reader to infer a continuation or deeper meaning.

Does every sentence end with a period?

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Asked by Wiki User

No because sentences can also end with ! or ?

With respect to the above answer, all sentences end with a period, which is placed after the question mark or the exclamation mark. It is there to indicate that the statement is complete and the beginning of the next sentence therefore commences with a capital letter

Do 'whether or not' sentences end with a question mark?

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If they are questions, then those sentences need a question mark. Many 'whether or not' sentences are not asking anything, they are simply stating alternatives. 'Have you decided whether to go to London or not?' is a question, but 'I haven't decided whether to go to London or not' is a statement and not a question.

Do you put a full stop after Dr.?

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No, it is not necessary to put a full stop after "Dr." unless it is followed by a sentence.

What does an exclamation mark look like?

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An exclamation mark (!) is a punctuation mark that resembles a straight line with a dot above it. It is used in writing to indicate strong feelings of surprise, excitement, or emphasis.

What question is a question but then its not a question?

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Asked by Wiki User

A statement that is phrased as a question can sometimes be considered a question, but it's not asking for information or a response. It may just be making a point or stating an opinion in a questioning manner.

Were can you get a list of gr for the disabled?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can check with your local government's disability services department, search online for disability resources in your area, contact disability advocacy organizations, or visit the website of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) for information on accommodations and resources for the disabled.

What is a subsidiary question?

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A subsidiary question is a secondary question that arises from the main question or issue being discussed. It is often related to the main question and helps to provide more specific details or clarify certain aspects of the main topic.

Can a topic sentence be a question?

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Yes many good topic sentences are in fact questions yes

How do you use reside in a question?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reside basically means the same as the word live.

For Example:

I reside in Cooperstown, NY. (I live in Cooperstown, NY)

Where do you reside? (Where do you live?)