



This category is for questions about how one would go about consuming the correct nutrients in food and in correct amounts. Questions about which foods and nutrients can cause fluctuations in weight can also be found here.

500 Questions

Does shrimp make you grow taller?

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Not noticeably.

Height depends primarily on two factors: genetics and good nutrition in childhood. Shrimp could potentially be a part of that last bit... they are fairly high in protein... but they're no better than, say, steak.

What is one of the most important rule to remember about healthy eating?

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One of the most important rules to remember about healthy eating is to focus on balance and moderation. This means including a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats, while also being mindful of portion sizes and not overeating.

What do preservatives in food do to the human body?

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Fat builds up in your body and stays in there until the they get burnt up and the vitamins actually build up to but they don't make you fat they build up and they were used, when you digested them, for healthy purposes.

What are the food names in the movie The Secret Life of Bees?

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Some of the food names in the movie The Secret Life of Bees include cornbread, collard greens, fried chicken, sweet tea, and honey. These southern comfort foods play a significant role in portraying the setting and culture of the movie.

Is it good to eat yogurt at night?

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Eating yogurt at night can be beneficial as it is a good source of protein and calcium which can promote muscle repair and strengthen bones while you sleep. However, be mindful of the sugar content in flavored yogurts, as they may hinder sleep by causing spikes in blood sugar levels. Stick to plain yogurt or pair it with some nuts or fruits for a balanced snack.

Can too much vanilla extract make you sick?

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Consuming too much vanilla extract can cause stomach upset, nausea, and headaches due to its high alcohol content. However, the amount needed to cause illness is typically much higher than what is normally used in baking. It's best to use vanilla extract in moderation to avoid any potential adverse effects.

What do androids eat?

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The term androids (humanoid robots) covers a wide spectrum of artificial lifeforms, from the electro-mechanical to the synthetic. Some would be considered "alive."

Some androids are powered by electronic devices, such as chemical batteries or high-density energy storage, or even miniature nuclear generators. Others are biologically or chemically "living" and can use nutritive feeding as humans do, perhaps not with the same foods.

Is there a Sample of Filipino poems about nutrition?

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A sample of a Filipino poem about nutrition could be a poem that emphasizes the importance of eating vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods to stay strong and well-nourished. It may also highlight the benefits of a balanced diet in preventing illness and promoting overall health and well-being, showcasing the vibrant and diverse culinary traditions of the Philippines.

Poems about nutrition?

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"Eat your veggies, fruits so sweet, Protein-packed meals for you to eat. Fuel your body with what's right, Nutritious choices, a healthy delight."

What is the fastest human weight gain ever recorded?

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The fastest human weight gain ever recorded was achieved in a medical experiment where a man gained 69.4 pounds (31.5 kg) in 60 days by overeating. This extreme weight gain was not recommended and had serious health implications for the individual.

Why is it impossible to drink a gallon of milk?

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Drinking a gallon of milk quickly can cause stomach discomfort, bloating, and possibly vomiting due to the large volume and lactose content. The body may struggle to process that amount of milk efficiently, leading to digestive issues.

How many calories in two turkey hot dogs?

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On average, a turkey hot dog typically contains around 50 to 100 calories per hot dog, depending on factors such as size, brand, and additional ingredients. To get an accurate count for two turkey hot dogs, you would need to check the nutrition label on the packaging or consult the manufacturer's website for the specific product you are consuming.

Once you have the calorie count for one turkey hot dog, you can simply multiply it by two to find the total number of calories in two turkey hot dogs.

What is the longest time for keeping your eyes closed?

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there isn't 1 that i know of but i have kept mine open for 3 hours

the longest was 20 days and 18 hours

What is the longest time without urinating?

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I Looked Online Because I Couldnt Find It Anywhere Else... ,So Here It Goes Hahaa ..... ( The Answer: NOW) 50 weeks

Pshh I Would F'inq Cry So Badd Hahaa !

What is the world record for eating pancakes?

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The current world record for eating pancakes is held by competitive eater Matt Stonie, who consumed 113 silver dollar pancakes in 8 minutes in 2015.

Can you drink a gallon of milk in one hour?

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Drinking a Gallon of Milk in Under an HourIt is possible not to throw up, but I would imagine that you would feel really sick. I have seen it done at one sitting (about two minutes) and he vomited after about 3/4 of the jug. If they space it out about 1 litre every 15 minutes some people might be able to handle it. Added to AnswerMost people can not handle that volume of lactose at once. This is why without fail, everyone I have ever seen try this (and we did do this as a weekly challenge when I was in college) pretty much lost it no matter their size or motivation. Particularly sorry after the event were those attempting it on whole milk (not even to mention the poor ba***rd who tried a gallon of chocolate milk)

If you are being challenged to do this, you can probably do it if 1) you supply your own milk and buy the lactose free kind (switch it into a regular milk jug) and 2) take some lactaid before the attempt.

Generally I would say don't try it. But I know how college people are so if that's your situation, good luck and keep the garbage can nearby.

I drank a gallon and a quarter in less than half an hour without realising it was a feat. It was easy and I didn't feel sick. The only reason I did it was because mum bought a massive box of those milk flavouring straws that I love. I was only 7 then. So I don't see why people think its impossible.

During a Sunday School class, my high school son drank a gallon of milk and part of another gallon while eating exactly 13 and one half donuts. He then sang on the praise team during our worship service with absolutely no ill effects. He is a legend!

How was gleninsheen gorget made?

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The Gleninsheen gorget, an elaborate Bronze Age necklace, was likely made by skilled craftsmen using metalworking techniques such as casting, hammering, and engraving. The intricate design features intricate motifs that were likely created using specialized tools and expertise in working with bronze. Examples of similar gorgets found in Ireland indicate a high level of craftsmanship and artistic skill in their production.

What does is Nelson Mandela's diet?

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Nelson Mandela followed a healthy diet that consisted of simple, home-cooked meals that included fruits, vegetables, grains, and occasional meat. He emphasized the importance of a balanced diet and moderation in eating. Mandela also enjoyed traditional South African dishes such as umngqusho (samp and beans) and potjiekos (stew cooked in a cast-iron pot).

What are common and good high protein foods?

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There are two major protein sources:

  1. Animal based proteins

  2. Plant based proteins

Proteins are made up of amino acids. If a source has all the essential AAs, it is called complete protein. If a source does not consist of all the essential Amino Acids it is called incompete protein.

A good source of protein is the one that provides with all the essential AAs. Mostly animal based proteins are complete proteins & a good source of essential AAs.

Sources: Eggs, Milk, Meat (Beef, mutton, fish etc)

In case of plant proteins combination method should be used in order to get all the essential Amino Acids.

Example: Rice & lentil

What is the average weight of a 17-month-old at 32 inches tall?

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The average weight of a 17 month old at 32 inches tall is 25.5 pounds. The average weight at 10th percentile is 22 pounds while the average weight at 90th percentile is 29 pounds.

Which breakfast choice is not a healthy choice as you run out door?

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Foods that are high in sugar like poptarts and as well as burnt toast. The sugar later gives you a crash and is stored as fat.

What is the importance of balanced and varied diets in obtaining the essential minerals and avoiding toxicities?

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The importance is just that. Balanced and varied diets allow for the variety of foods needed for the body to take in enough of all essential nutrients, and by eating healthy, the body avoids major toxicities.

How does protein protect your body?

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Proteins protect our body in so many ways, including fighting off infections, repairing tissues, and regulating metabolism. They also play a crucial role in maintaining the structure and function of cells throughout the body. Additionally , proteins are essential for the production of enzymes, hormones, and antibodies that help our bodies function properly. They are often referred to as the building blocks of life due to their diverse roles in maintaining overall health and well-being.

What are 2 foods that are high in good heart fats?

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Nutrient Absorption and Cell Function: Fats serve as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E, and K—essential for various bodily functions. These vitamins are crucial for vision, bone health, immune function, and blood clotting. Without dietary fat, the body struggles to absorb these vitamins efficiently.

Moreover, fats are integral for cell structure and function. Cell membranes, the outer layer of cells, require a balance of fatty acids to maintain integrity and perform essential tasks such as transporting nutrients and removing waste. Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, classified as polyunsaturated fats, are necessary for these cellular functions. Omega-3s, found in fatty fish like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties, heart health benefits, and brain function support. Omega-6 fatty acids, sourced from vegetable oils, seeds, and nuts, also contribute to cell function and play a role in brain health.

In summary, dietary fats are instrumental in ensuring the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and are essential for the structure and function of cells, ensuring overall bodily health.

Energy Source and Hormone Regulation: Fats are a concentrated source of energy, providing more than twice the amount of energy per gram compared to carbohydrates or proteins. When the body lacks immediate energy from carbohydrates, it turns to fats as an alternative energy source. Fats stored in adipose tissue serve as a reserve energy source, providing sustained energy during prolonged activities or when food intake is limited.

Additionally, fats play a crucial role in hormone regulation. Certain types of fats are necessary for the production of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol. These hormones are involved in various bodily functions, including reproductive health, stress response, metabolism, and immune system regulation. Without adequate fat intake, hormone production and balance may be disrupted, leading to potential health issues.

It's important to note that not all fats are created equal. While some fats offer health benefits, others, particularly trans fats and excessive saturated fats, can increase the risk of heart disease, obesity, and other health problems. Striking a balance by incorporating healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, into the diet while minimizing intake of unhealthy fats is crucial for reaping the benefits without the associated risks.

In conclusion, fats play indispensable roles in the body, from supporting nutrient absorption and cell function to serving as an energy source and regulating hormone production. Understanding the significance of different types of fats and making informed dietary choices is key to harnessing the positive effects of fats for overall health and well-being

Can you give a 1-4 year old protein bars?

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Whether or not you can give protein bars to a 1-4 year old depends on the specific bar and your child's individual needs. Here are some factors to consider:


1-2 years old: It's generally recommended to avoid giving protein bars to children under 2 years old. Their digestive systems are still developing and may not be able to handle the ingredients in some bars. Additionally, some toddlers may have trouble choking on small pieces.

3-4 years old: You can start introducing protein bars to children in this age group, but it's important to choose bars that are specifically designed for kids. These bars will have lower sugar and protein content and will be easier for your child to chew and swallow.


Look for bars made with whole ingredients like nuts, seeds, fruits, and grains.

Avoid bars with added sugar, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, and preservatives.

Choose bars that are low in sodium and saturated fat.

Pay attention to potential allergens, such as peanuts, tree nuts, soy, and dairy.

Serving size:

Start by giving your child a small piece of the protein bar to see how they tolerate it.

Most bars are designed for adults and may be too large for a young child.

You can cut the bar into smaller pieces or offer half a bar at a time.

Individual needs:

Talk to your child's pediatrician before giving them protein bars, especially if they have any health concerns.

Your child may not need additional protein from bars if they are already getting enough from their regular diet.

Protein bars should be a supplement to a healthy diet, not a replacement for meals or snacks.

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to give your child protein bars is a personal one. It's important to weigh the pros and cons and choose the option that is best for your child's health and development.