


Mushrooms, also known as toadstools, are the above ground fleshy fruiting body of a fungus that typically include a stem. Mushrooms are frequently used as a food source, but also for their medical and psychoactive properties.

500 Questions

Do hallucinogen mushrooms grow in Iowa?

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They are illegal no matter the state.

Psilocybin and Psilocin are Schedule I drugs which means that the acuall mushroom that has been grown to at least the mycelium stage is illegal, in some states the act of inoculating a jar with spores of a psilocybin and psilocin containing mushroom is illegal as long as the grower knew before hand the the spores came from a mushroom containing psilocybin and psilocin. these laws can be very tricky because they have to prove the prior knowledge.

What is role of mushroom in ecosystem?

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it helps decompose dead or decaying organisms

Do rats eat mushrooms?

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Rats are probably the ultimate omnivores, one reason they are so successful. They will eat anything edible, and plenty of things that aren't.

Can you give rabbits mushrooms?

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No, this can cause them to have sloppy poop, illnesses and other problems, the food is too watery and acidy for their digestive system. Celery, lettuce, cabbage and most other watery foods is not good. If you really don't know go to a famous animal care site. Or buy a book.

Can coyotes eat mushrooms?

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Asked by Wiki User

its both, but if its not, its most likely mushrooms if they are a regullar one

What are the useful and harmful effects of a mushroom?

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There are no known negative effects of magic mushrooms or psilocybe cubensis reported in any scientific journal. There is anecdotal evidence that magic mushrooms along with many other species can drastically improve physical health and reduce ailments.

Is button mushroom poisionous?

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Asked by Sapulipati

Unless you are an expert, you should assume that all mushrooms you find in the wild are poisonous.

Even mushrooms that aren't outright poisonous can be harmful to people who are allergic to them.

How do you get a mushroom on viva pinata?

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Asked by Wiki User

first you need a toadstool and then you get Bart to tinker it.

Are mushrooms angiosperms?

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yes. because they develop from a flowering plant.

What is the purpose of mycelium in mushroom?

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It makes up the major part of the fungus.

How are they different with mushroom and lato?

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they are different from what the energy of the photosynthesis is just the same!

by kenenth cordero

Can mushrooms grow on your feet?

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take a bath, scrub weed killer on your poor foot,just don't water it or let it on the sun.

if you have mushrooms on your feet, take off socks & shoes cause there will be a big splatty, goey, plooie mess on your feet. when your taking a walk outside, make shure there is no greedy guzlers around you.

Can magic mushrooms make you sick?

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Asked by Wiki User

Mushrooms do NOT make your brain bleed. This is a bad misconception, just like the old 50's movies of kids doing crazy stuff on pot. It something someone put out there to scare people into not doing them.


The chemicals in "shrooms" that produce the high are called psilocybin and psilocin(and some trace similar compounds). When you eat mushrooms, psilocybin is converted into a chemical called psilocin. Psilocin is then absorbed into the blood stream where it is taken to the brain.

Psilocin has a chemical structure very similar to the naturally occurring neurotransmitter serotonin. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that cells in the brain (neurons) use to communicate with each other. Varying levels of serotonin will affect sleep, appetite, sensory perception, temperature regulation, pain suppression and mood.

Serotonin is taken up or absorbed by neurons at receptor sites known as the 5-HT receptors. There are various types of 5-HT receptors, but for our purpose we'll generalize. Because psilocin's chemical structure is very similar to serotonin, it is taken up by the 5-HT2 receptor site (one of several 5-HT receptor types) as are many other common hallucinogens including LSD and mescaline.

After the psilocin molecules bind with the 5-HT2 receptor sites, little is known about what happens. Psilo(cybin)cin is considered a serotonin agonist and possibly may have reuptake inhibitory effects also(SSRI) .There is still not enough data to explain clinically exactly the effect of the active ingredients in psychedelic fungi. What we do know is that psilocin is NOT physically harmful to the body or brain. Psychological conditions can rarely arise from a very profound experience, but no physical harm is done by psilocin even in higher dosages.

In short: psilocin molecules from the mushrooms bind with serotonin receptor sites in the brain and cause the mind to do strange things and scientists aren't quite sure why.

How do you tell if a mushroom is poisonous?

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You have to test its chemical composition. Simply looking at a mushroom, unless previously identified as poisonous or non-poisonous, cannot determine how it will affect you.

Are Enokitake Mushrooms eucaryotes or prokaryotes?

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Yes, all fungi are eukaryotes.

Can a person overdose on mushrooms?

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if you try to go drive a car, shot a gun, run really fast down the middle of a road, or eat saltein crackers with no liquid...

Can goats eat button mushrooms?

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It is not advised that goats eat mushrooms which grow in the wild. Some species of mushrooms can be very toxic to these animals.

Are the mushrooms that grow out of horse manure psychedelic?

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There are many types of mushrooms so location alone can not determine what kind of mushroom it is. Some types of mushrooms in the same family can look alike and live in the same conditions but one can be harmless and the other terribly poisonous....

Psilocybe Cubensis and Panaeolus subbalteatus are in general the two species that appear in the USA on cow patties. There are many mushrooms that can grow on compost substrates though, for instance portebellos. In general, unless you are a mycologist who specializes in the field study of fungus, dont eat a mushroom you arent absolutely sure it is, what it is. There are many mushrooms that look like psilocybin mushrooms that are actually deadly. In general the rule of thumb when it comes to psychoactive mushrooms is to take a spore print of the mushroom. Dark purple spore prints is a good sign you are one step closer to identifying a psychedelic mushroom. White spore prints are big no nos as well.

Is it safe to eat dried out mushrooms?

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It is fine to eat fresh magic mushrooms. Mushrooms are dried so they can be stored for much longer periods of time. It is extremely important to properly identify any mushroom before you ingest it.

What is a mushroom niche in an ecosystem?

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i have no idea i was asking u that

Do mushrooms have nutritional value?

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Yes, mushrooms do have nutritional value. Mushrooms contain B vitamins and a few minerals.

Can turkeys eat mushrooms?

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Turkeys like to eat foods they can find in their habitat, including fruits, nuts, snails, insects, and grass. If there are mushrooms in their area, they would likely eat them.

What are the side effects of a mushroom trip?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, magic mushrooms (psilocybin) are not physically addictive (there are no physical withdrawal symptoms). They can be psychologically addictive, however, the potential for psychological addiction is very low.