


Llamas, closely related to alpacas, are commonly found in mountainous areas and are widely used as pack animals.

500 Questions

What is the name for llamas homes?

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The primary shelter for llamas is called a barn or a stable. In their natural habitat of South America, llamas may seek shelter in caves or rock formations to protect themselves from harsh weather conditions.

How do you spell lama?

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The correct spelling is "llama."

Why do they call a a Llama a Llama?

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The term "llama" comes from the Quechua language spoken in the Andean region of South America. The word "llama" refers to the South American mammal that is known for its woolly coat and gentle disposition.

When you brush your tongue you spit out blood?

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If you are spitting out blood while brushing your tongue, it could be a sign of gum disease, inflammation, or injury. It's best to see a dentist to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

How did the llama's help the inca's?

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Llamas were essential to the Incas for transportation of goods and people across the Andes mountains. They also provided wool, meat, and hides for the Inca people. Llamas were a vital part of the Inca economy and cultural practices.

Is llama is spell with two L or one?

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Your spelling is correct. Llama is spelled with 2 Ls.

Correct spelling of llama?

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The correct spelling of the animal is "llama."

Difference between como se llama and Como te llamas?

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"¿Cómo se llama?" is the formal way to ask someone's name in Spanish, while "¿Cómo te llamas?" is the informal way. The first one is used when addressing someone in a formal setting or when talking to someone in the third person, while the latter is used when addressing someone you know well or in a friendly manner.

How do llamas talk?

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Llamas communicate through various vocalizations, including humming, clucking, and alarm calls. They also use body language such as ear position, tail flicking, and posture to express different emotions or intentions. Their vocalizations and body language help them interact with other llamas and communicate within their herd.

What Words that start with the same letter twice like llama?

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Aardvark, beekeeper, and bookkeeper are other examples of words that start with the same letter twice.

Why does llama have two Ls?

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The word "llama" has two Ls to reflect its original spelling in Spanish, which follows phonetic rules unique to that language. The double L in Spanish is pronounced as a "y" sound, which is how llama is pronounced.

What do llamas have to do with the incas?

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Llamas were domesticated by the Incas for their wool, meat, and ability to carry heavy loads in the Andes Mountains. They played a vital role in Incan society as a source of transportation and food, and their wool was used for textiles.

Why does the word llama have two L 's?

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The word "llama" has two L's because it is derived from the Quechua language, where the double L represents a unique sound that does not exist in English. The double L is pronounced as a "y" sound in English, which is why llama is pronounced "yah-mah."

Can llamas have geritol?

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Giving llamas geritol, a vitamin and mineral supplement designed for humans, is not recommended as it may not meet the specific nutritional needs of llamas. It's better to provide llamas with a balanced diet tailored to their unique requirements, which may include specialized supplements recommended by a veterinarian.

What does como se llama tu maestro mean?

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"¿Como se llama tu maestro?" means "What's your teacher's name?" in Spanish.

Why do people spit when they talk?

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Spitting when talking can occur if there is excess saliva in the mouth or if someone is speaking forcefully and saliva is unintentionally expelled. It's not intentional for most people and can happen due to various reasons such as poor oral hygiene, talking quickly, or certain medical conditions affecting saliva production.

Should you swallow or spit sputum?

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It is generally recommended to spit out sputum rather than swallowing it. Swallowing sputum can lead to potential irritation of the stomach and throat. It is important to dispose of sputum properly to avoid the spread of infections.

Why do you swallow your spit?

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Swallowing saliva is a natural reflex that helps keep your mouth moist and aids in digestion. It also helps prevent buildup of excess saliva in your mouth.

How heavy is a llama?

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The maximum weight for the llama recorded is 150 to 200kg .

What is the Llama Series by Nastassja Minson?

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The Llama Series by Nastassja Minson is a collection of children's books that follow the adventures of a llama named Lambeau. The series aims to teach children valuable life lessons through entertaining stories and colorful illustrations.

Who wrote the llama song for kids?

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The "Llama Song" was written by Burton Earny. It gained popularity in the mid-2000s and has become a humorous and catchy tune for kids and adults alike.

What does Come se llama el libro mean?

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"Como se llama el libro" in Spanish translates to "What is the name of the book?" It is asking for the title of a book.

Where can you find a llama 22 magazine?

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A llama 22 magazine can typically be found at gun stores, shooting ranges, or online retailers that specialize in firearms accessories. Make sure to check the compatibility of the magazine with your specific model of llama 22 before purchasing.

What causes children to spit?

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tuberculoses and lung rupture make you cough blood, but pretty much anything that causes you to bleed inside your mouth can cause you to spit blood.

Why do llamas have three stomachs?

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No, they have one stomach with 3 parts. C-1, C-2, C-3.

In C-1 the esophagus empties and fermentation takes place. C-2 does the same thing as C-1 except the esophagus doesn't empty. In C-3 it acts like abomasum "True stomach" digestion takes place, food is mixed with gastric juices.