


Human Origins

Theories that attempt to explain where humans might have originated, and investigations into our evolutionary family tree

500 Questions

Are there any people still alive today who were born in the 1800s?

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The last confirmed person born in the 1800s died in 2017.

Emma Morano Martinuzzi of Verbania, Italy was (for a short time) the world's oldest living person (November 29, 1899 - April 15, 2017).

There are as many as a dozen living individuals who mayhave been born before 1900, but there is no way to reliably confirm their ages.

What was the result of the Scopes monkey trial?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scopes was declared guilty, but people felt the law violated the Constitution. Scopes was fined and the law was upheld.

What makes you dizzy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Usually dizziness is a result of low blood flow to and/or low oxygenation in the brain. It is for this reason that you are told to get horizontal or put your head between your legs/lower than your heart position to increase the blood flow and oxygenation to the brain if you become dizzy.

There are many ways to become dizzy. Some examples are:

  • If you lie down for a while, and then quickly get up, and start moving around, it may cause temporary dizziness from hypotension (this is called orthostatic hypotension).
  • Becoming intoxicated from alcohol or drugs in some drug classes (such as narcotics) will make you dizzy for the remainder of the intoxication/drug action. Both of these are due to central nervous system depression.
  • Heart failure or other heart disease and circulatory insufficiency can cause dizziness.
  • Vasovagal response is the most common cause of dizziness and syncope (passing out), it is an autonomic nervous system problem related to the vagus nerve.
  • Breathing noxious fumes or other gases that disrupt the oxygen content in your blood can make you dizzy.
  • You can become dizzy from dehydration or other causes of low blood volume such as blood loss.
  • Decreased blood flow to the brain can also be caused by blood vessel constrictions or obstructions, especially in the carotid arteries that supply the head with oxygenated blood.

Did whites evolve from Africa?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, all humans, regardless of race, share a common evolutionary origin in Africa. The migration of human populations out of Africa over thousands of years led to the development of different physical characteristics in different regions, including variations in skin color.

How can scientists determine what kinds of foods homo sapiens ate?

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Asked by Wiki User

Scientists studying the diet of Homo sapiens can use various methods to determine the types of foods they consumed. They can analyze fossilized teeth and the wear patterns on them, which provide clues about the texture and toughness of the food eaten. Isotopic analysis of bones can reveal the types of plants and animals consumed. Additionally, archaeologists can examine the remains of food storage, cooking tools, and waste materials at archaeological sites to gain insights into the diet of early humans.

Did cavemen appear 100BC?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, cave paintings and evidence of human habitation in caves date back much further than 100 BC. The earliest known cave paintings were created more than 30,000 years ago by early humans. The term "cavemen" generally refers to prehistoric humans who lived in caves, so their existence predates 100 BC by thousands of years.

Why homo sapiens so successful?

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Which branch of anthropology might study the hunting and gathering techniques of homo sapiens?

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Asked by Wiki User

The branch of anthropology that might study the hunting and gathering techniques of Homo sapiens is called ethnoarchaeology. Ethnoarchaeology combines ethnographic observations of modern human societies with archaeological methods to better understand past human behavior, including hunting and gathering practices. It aims to study and interpret how contemporary hunter-gatherer groups interact with their environments and use material culture, in order to gain insights into the behaviors and adaptations of our ancestors.

What kind of people lived here 4000 years ago?

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Asked by Wiki User

4000 years ago, the population varied depending on the region. In Mesopotamia, there were city-states with farmers, merchants, and artisans, as well as rulers and priests. In ancient Egypt, there were Pharaohs, priests, government officials, craftsmen, and farmers. In the Indus Valley civilization, people lived in well-planned cities with a class system that included priests, merchants, artisans, and farmers. In general, societies were hierarchical with different social classes and occupations.

What did the caveman do to the wheel?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cavemen used a long time ago chisel and made the square stone (the beginning of the wheel) into a circular figure. Hope i helped! Credits: To Edward Cummins on

What are three reasons that homo sapiens move?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Homo sapiens move to seek better opportunities for resources, such as food and water.
  2. They move to escape from dangerous or unfavorable conditions, such as natural disasters or conflicts.
  3. They also move to explore and discover new territories, driven by curiosity and the desire for expansion and colonization.

What other homo species was present when modern humans arose?

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Asked by Wiki User

Neanderthals were present when modern humans arose. Neanderthals lived in Eurasia for about 400,000 years and had many similarities to modern humans, but they went extinct around 40,000 years ago. Recent studies suggest that modern humans and Neanderthals interbred, with some people today having Neanderthal DNA in their genomes.

How long did Cro-magnon man appear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cro-Magnon man appeared approximately 40,000 years ago and is considered to be the earliest known modern human. They lived during the Upper Paleolithic period and were anatomically similar to present-day humans.

What kind of art did homo sapiens neanderthalensis make?

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Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, or Neanderthals, are known to have created a few forms of artistic expression. This includes cave paintings or engravings, as well as the creation of personal ornaments and tools made from bone and antler. Neanderthals also likely engaged in body decoration and used pigments for aesthetic purposes.

On Cavemen what does Joel suspect his new Homo sapiens friend Jake actually is?

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Asked by Petschec

Joel suspects that Jake is actually a time traveler from the future, rather than a real Homo sapiens.

Were superior beings on earth before humans?

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There is no scientific evidence or consensus to support the existence of superior beings on Earth before humans. The evolution of complex life on Earth, including humans, can be traced back over billions of years through a gradual process of natural selection. While there are many undiscovered species and extinct organisms, there is currently no evidence to suggest the presence of superior beings preceding humans.

What historical period led to the greatest changes in the social life of early man?

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The Neolithic period, also known as the New Stone Age, led to the greatest changes in the social life of early humans. During this time, around 10,000 BCE, humans transitioned from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agricultural communities. This shift allowed for the development of permanent settlements, the domestication of plants and animals, the division of labor, and the emergence of complex social structures and institutions.

Are humans from the animal kingdom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes they are because if you notice that there are some people that aren't civilized that have been found in the Amazon jungle (i think rain forest or something...) anyways they don't walk on their feet like us... They walk or move like Tarzan. And there is a lot in common between animals and humans... Well i know it isn't much of a help but its my point of view...

When is the common ancestor of humans and chimps thought to have lived?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's thought to be about 5 to 7 million years since humans and chimps shared a common ancestor.

Did human beings really used to be monkeys?

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Asked by EugeneKang

Sometimes people say, "Scientist claim we used to be monkeys!" But that's not quite right. Scientists say we share a common ancestor with today's apes.

Just as you and your cousin have grandparents in common, so you and those monkeys you see at the zoo have a common ancestor. But that common ancestor lived millions of years ago!

Monkeys, apes and humans are all primates. And all three share certain common characteristics - like ten fingers and ten toes, flattish faces and large brains. But there are obvious differences, too - and those differences are due to evolution.

Scientists say that our closest living relatives are chimpanzees, but that doesn't mean that we used to bechimpanzees. We have been evolving seperately for about the last six million years. From a common primate ancestor, two unique species have developed - chimpanzees and homo sapiens(that's us).

What is the characteristic of Homo sapiens?

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Asked by Wiki User

they are hare and sort of dirty

When did homo sapiens apeared in Africa?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first ape that appeared in Africa in the year of 2008, it was a pink fured monkey with a deadly sickness, pinkfuralitues(pink-fur-ah-lie-tus) Sadly the ape passed away while in surgrey trying to remove the pink fungus in it's skin.Vetatarien,Dr.Paws says that lolly pop could have lived but nurse,Africa gave him a overdose.poor ape.

The first ape that appeared in Asia was found in the year of 2007. He passed away from stupidyonungees (stupid-pity-un-gus). Dr.Dawnivan screams"He picked his nose!"

What makes human an animal?

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Asked by Wiki User

Because there is six types in the Kingdom (of life) : animals, plants, fungus, protista, Archaea and bacteria. The humans are not plants, fungus, protista, archaea and bacteria. They are animals. The human's phylum is Chordata (vertebrate). The human's class is mammalia. It's order is primate (the same as apes). It's family is Hominidae (apes that have no tail and can gather food with their hands.) The Human's sub-family is Homininae. It's tribe is Hominini. It's genus is Homo and it's specie is scientifically named Homo Sapiens.

We have much more in common with animals than we think. Like us, some animals can make tools. The only difference is that our tools are a lot more complex. Like us, some animals have a language. The only difference is that their language contain less than ten words.